
To Solve GK Quiz With RBI Assistant Exam

PM Modi is which PM of India? 15th PM

Netherlands Capital? - Amsterdam

India's first motion picture? - Raja Harishchandra

Press council of India formed in which year? - 1978

Indira Awas Yojna which year formed? - 1996

Which of following country is not a male dominated country? - USA

India and which other country signed a revised DTAA for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income - South Korea

NASA has planted lettuce on the International Space Station– this will help in preparing astronauts for a future manned mission to which planet - Red Planet & Mars

AIR’s entry Diary of a Tiger won first prize in the community service announcement category of which award - Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union Awards

Scientists have spotted key patterns in the ring of Uranus, indicating how many previously undiscovered moons are orbiting two of the planet’s rings - 2

India is the fourth largest FDI source for which Arab nation - Qatar

Which country’s original mass disappeared into the earth’s interior 60 million years ago, according to scientists - India

A national seismic programme has been launched to trace hydro-carbon resources such as oil and natural gas in which river basin - Mahanadi

Which state appointed an NBA player as its first ambassador to Mars - China

WEF is establishing a new centre in which city - San Francisco

Portugal’s former PM Antonio Guterres was appointed as the next UNSG. How many member states constitute the UNGA - 93

Murugappa Gold Cup is associated with - Hockey

First Indian women Olympic Medal winner is - Karnam Malleshwari

The recently published book "She Walk, She Leads" is written by - Gunjan Jain

Tata Chemicals sells urea business to Yara International ASA of - Norway

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