
Banking Quiz

1.One rupee notes and coins are issued by 
(1) Reserve bank of India
(2) State Bank of India on behalf of Government of India
(3) RBI
(4) Finance Minister of Central government of India
(5) None of the above

2.ATM cards are issued to a person who maintains any of following accounts with the bank 
(1) saving bank account
(2) current accounts 
(3) term deposits 
(4) loan or cash credit accounts 
(5) either 1 or 2 

3.A commercial paper is 
(1) a paper issued by Reserve Bank of India an trade and commerce 
(2) an unsecured money market instrument issued in the form of promissory note 
(3) a document issued by IDBI for seeking refinance facility from Reserve Bank India 
(4) all of the above 
(5) none of the above 

4.Capital market is the market 
(1) where company float their shares and debentures 
(2) where capital of various companies are bought and sold 
(3) for long term funds 
(4) for short term funds 
(5) none of the above

5.Capital market is divided into 
(1) long term market and short term market
(2) primary market and secondary market 
(3) shares market and debentures market 
(4) gilts market and bonds market 
(5) none of the above 

6.Primary market  
(1) is the new issues market where companies issue new securities to the investors
(2) is the place where only primary dealers may transact business
(3) signifies the market where only long-term bonds are traded
(4) comprises of stock exchanges, banks and financial institutions dealing in primary securities
(5) none of the above

7.Which of the following banks is not wholly owned by the Government of India? 
(1) Reserve Bank of India
(2) State Bank of India
(3) Punjab and Sind Bank
(4) Central Bank of India
(5) None of these

8.For the performance of its duties as the regulator of credit the Reserve bank of India possesses the usual instruments general credit control viz. 
(1) bank rate
(2) Open market operation
(3) The power to vary the reserve requirements of banks
(4) all of the above
(5) none of the above

9.Bank rate policy, open market operations, variable reserve requirements and statutory liquidity requirements employed by Reserve Bank as measures of credit control viz. 
(1) quantitative methods
(2) qualitative methods
(3) both of the above
(4) all of the above
(5) none of the above

10.Which of the following would fall under the category of retail banking?
(1) Home Loans
(2) Credit Cards
(3) Personal Loans
(4) Car Loans
(5) All of these



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