

1. There are five containers. The weight of the first container is 400 kg and the weight of the second container is 20% higher than the weight of the third container, whose weight is 25% higher than the first container’s weight. The fourth container at 350 kg is 30% lighter than the fifth one. Find the difference in the average weight of the four heaviest and the four lightest containers. 
(a) 50 kg
(b) 62.5 kg
(c) 70.75 kg
(d) 82.5 kg 
(e) 95.5 kg

2. A vegetable seller bought 30 kg of onions at Rs. 9 per kg and 20 kg at Rs. 8.00 per kg. If he has to make a 20% profit, at what rate per kg should he sell them (appx. Value) ? 
(a) Rs. 10 
(b) Rs. 7
(c) Rs. 12
(d) Rs. 15
(e) None of these

3. Hardik is given a quadratic equation px^2 + qx + r = 0 and is asked to make another quadratic equation from this with p = 1. Also, one root of the second quadratic one is same as one of the roots of the first equation but opposite in sign and the other root of the second equation is two times the second root of the first one. Find the percentage change in the constant term of the second equation as compared to the first equation? 
(a) 300%
(b) 200%
(c) 400%
(d) 150%
(e) 350%

4. A van driver makes a profit of 20% on every trip when he carries 3 passengers and the price of diesel is Rs. 30 per litre. Find the percentage profit for the same journey if he goes with 4 passengers per trip and the price of diesel reduces to Rs. 24 per litre? (Consider revenue per passenger same for both the cases.)
(a) 25%
(b) 50%
(c) 70%
(d) 90%
(e) None of these

5. Aasha borrows two equal sums at the same time at 6% and 5% p.a. respectively. She finds that if she pays the former sum with simple interest on a certain date exactly one year before the latter, she will have to pay in each case the same amount i.e., Rs. 3900. Find the sum. 
(a) Rs. 1000
(b) Rs. 1200
(c) Rs. 1800
(d) Rs. 2400 
(e) Rs. 3000

6. Find the angle made by a sector, the ratio of whose area with the area of the semicircle is equal to 1: 6. 
(a) 50°
(b) 30°
(c) 40°
(d) 60°
(e) None of these

7. A weather department studying the weather for x days observed that 
(a) it rained on 7 days, morning or afternoon; 
(b) when it rained in the afternoon, it was clear in the morning; 
(c) there were five clear afternoons; 
(d) there were six clear mornings. 
Then x equals to:-
(a) 5
(b) 7
(c) 9
(e) 4

8. A yacht went down the river for a distance of 20 km. It then turned back and returned to its starting point, having travelled a total of 7 hours. On its return trip, at a distance of 12 km from the starting point, it encountered a wooden broken boat, which had passed the starting point at the moment at which the yacht had started downstream. Find the downstream speed of the yacht. 
(a) 10 km/hr
(b) 12 km/hr
(c) 18 km/hr
(d) 24 km/hr
(e) None of these

9. Out of 20 points in a plane, no three are in a straight line except 5 which are collinear. How many straight lines can be formed from given condition? 
(a) 20C2
(b) 20C2– 5C2 - 2
(c) 20C2 – 5C2 – 1
(d) 20C2 – 5C2 + 1
(e) None of these

10. There is a point inside a circle. What is the probability that this point is closer to the circumference than to the centre?  
(a) 3/4
(b) 2/5
(c) 7/11
(d) 2/7
(e) 1/2

Directions for questions 11 to 15: Study the following pie-chart and table carefully and answer the question given below: 
Percentage wise distribution of the number of mobile phones sold by a shopkeeper during six months

The respective ratio between the numbers of mobile phones sold of company Arobit and company Bizon during six months 

Months Ratio
January         8 : 7
February       4 : 5
March 3 : 2
April 7 : 5
May              7 : 8
June              7 : 9

11.What is the respective ratio between the number of mobile phones sold of company Bizon during January and those sold during June of the same company? 
(a) 112 : 141
(b) 112 : 135 
(c) 119 : 135
(d) 119 : 131
(e) None of these 

12.If 35% of the mobile phones sold by company Arobit during May were sold at a discount, how many mobile phones of company Arobit during that month were sold without a discount? 
(a) 1608 
(b) 1620
(c) 1638 
(d) 1668
(e) 1684 

13.If the shopkeeper earned a profit Rs. 400 on each mobile phone sold of company Bizon during April, what was his total profit earned on the mobile phones of that company during the same month? 
(a) Rs. 6,00,300
(b) Rs. 6,01,500
(c) Rs. 6,20,000
(d) Rs. 6,00,000
(e) Rs. 6,02,200

14.The number of mobile phones sold of company Bizon during January is approximately what percent of the number of mobile phones sold of Arobit during June? 
(a) 110
(b) 130 
(c) 90
(d) 140
(e) 170

15.What is the total number of mobile phones sold of company Bizon during February and March together?
(a) 10,000
(b) 8,000
(c) 7,500
(d) 5,500
(e) 5,000

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