
Computer Quiz

1. What is a common medium used by thieves to steal others' identities?
 Pick pocketing
 None of the above

2. To select a column the easiest method is to?

 drag from the top cell in the column to the last cell in the column
 double click any cell in the column
 click the row heading
 click the column heading
 None of the above

3. Which of the following is the valid subnet mask for class B IP Address?

4. Functions of keys F1, F2 and F3 are _____________ respectively.

 activating menu bar, search and renaming selected icon
 search, reboot and activating menu bar
 activating help, renaming selected icon and search
 reboot, activating help and refresh
 activating help, reboot, renaming selected icon

5. ____________is a set of interface specifications for high speed wired communication between electronics systems peripherals. 

 Universal Serial Bus
 Unique Serial Port
 Universal Stationary Bus
 Unique Serial Bus
 None of the above

6. Which among the following is not legitimate type of computer virus?

 Macro Virus
 File infector Virus
 Resident Virus
 Boot Virus
 Hangout Virus

7. __________ is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed.

 System Software
 Network topology
 Application software
 Utility software

8. What is Windows 10?

 Processing system
 Microsoft Office suite
 Drawing system
 Graphics System
 Operating System

9. What does MODEM stands for?

 Multiplexing Other Device Encoding Message
 Main of Domain End Machine
 Multiplexing On Demultiplexed Embedded Machine
 None of the above

10. What type of internet technology sends you the information without your request?

 None of the above

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