
Quant Quiz

1. A circular garden has a circumference of 440 m. There is a 7 m wide border inside the garden along its periphery. The area of the border is :
(1) 2918 m^2
(2) 2921 m^2
(3) 2924 m^2
(4) 2926 m^2
(5) 2950 m^2
2. In a bag, there are three types of coins – 1 rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise in the ratio of 3 : 8 : 20. Their total value is Rs. 372. The total number of coins is
(1) 1200
(2) 961
(3) 744
(4) 612
(5) 800

3. Two pipes A,B can fill a tank in 24 min. and 32 min. respectively. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, after how much time B should be closed so that the tank is full in 18 min.?
(1) 8 min
(2) 12 min
(3) 15 min
(4) 20 min
(5) 17 min

4. A train travelling 25 km an hour leaves Delhi at 9 a.m. and another train travelling 35 km an hour starts at 2 p.m. in the same direction. How many km from Delhi will they be together?
(1) 437 ½ km
(2) 436 ½ km
(3) 435 ½ km
(4) 434 ½ km
(5) 435 km
5. A and B can do a work in 8 days, B and C can do the same work in 12 days. A, B and C together can finish it in 6 days. A and C together will do it in :
(1) 4 days
(2) 8 days
(3) 6days
(4) 7 days 
(5) 5 days

6. A and B can do a job together in 7 days. A is 1 3/4 times as efficient as B. The same job can be done by A alone in :
(1) 12 days
(2) 11 days
(3) 15 days
(4) 16 days
(5) 10 days

7. A man saves Rs 200 at the end of each year and lends the money at 5% compound interest. How much will it become at the end of 3 years.
(1) 661.01
(2) 662.01
(3) 663.01
(4) 664.01
(5) None of these 

8. A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq.ft, how many feet of fencing will be required?
(1) 90 feet
(2) 85 feet
(3) 88 feet
(4) 84 feet
(5) 82 feet

9. The difference between simple interest and compound interest on Rs. 1200 for one year at 10% per annum reckoned half – yearly is :
(1) Rs. 2
(2) Rs. 3
(3) Rs. 4
(4) Rs. 5
(5) None of these 

10. The Diagonals of two squares are in the ratio of 2:5. find the ratio of their areas.
(1) 5 : 2
(2) 5 : 2
(3) 4 : 25
(4) 5 : 4
(5) 2 : 6

11. A starts business with Rs. 3500 and after 5 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit is divided in the ratio 2:3. What is B's contribution in the capital
(1) 1000
(2) 10000
(3) 12000
(4) 5000
(5) 9000


1. (4) : 2πR = 440
2 × 22/7  x R = 440
R = 70 m.
Inside radius = ( 70 – 7 ) m = 63 m
Area of the border = π [(70)^2 – (63)^2]m^2
= [22/7 x (70 + 63 ) x ( 70 – 63 ) ] m2 = 2926m^2

2. (2)

3. (1) : let B be closed after x min. then ,
Part filled by (A+B) in x min. +part filled by A in (18-x)min.=1
Therefore x*((1/24)+(1/32))+(18-x)*(1/24)=1
(7x/96) + ((18-x)/24)=1.
7x +4*(18-x)=96.
Hence, be must be closed after 8 min.

4. (1) : The first train has a start of 25 / 5 km and the second train gains ( 35 – 25 ) or 10 km per hour.
The second train will gain 25 x 5 km in  (25 x5) / 10 or 12 ½ hours.
The required distance from Delhi = 12 ½ x 35 km = 437 ½ km
Shortcut : (try this )
Meeting point’s distance from starting point
= (S1 x S2 x Difference in time) / Difference in speed      ( S1 and S2 are the speed  )
5. (2) :  (A+B+C)=1/6
A's one day work work= (A+B+C)-(B+C)= 1/6-1/12 =1/12
C's one day work work= (A+B+C)-(A+B)= 1/6-1/8= 1/24
(A+C)'s one day work= 1/12+1/24= 1/8
so the work will be completed in 8 days

6. (2) : (A's 1 day's work) : (B's 1 day's work) = 7 /4 : 1 =  7 : 4
Let A’s and B’s 1 days’ work  be 7 x and 4 x respectively
then , 7x + 4x= 1/7   11x = 1/7   x = 1/77
A’s  1 days = (1) / (77) x 7 = 1/ 11
A alone can do this job = 11 days

7. (2)

8. (3) :  We are given with length and area, so we can find the breadth.
as Length x Breadth = Area
=> 20 x Breadth = 680
=> Breadth = 34 feet
Area to be fenced = 2B + L = 2 x 34 + 20
= 88 feet

9. (2) : S. I = Rs. ((1200 ×10 ×1)/100) = Rs. 120
C. I. = Rs.   = Rs. 123.
Difference = Rs. 3

10. (3) : Let the diagonals of the squares be 2x and 5x.
Then ratio of their areas will be
Area of square=(1/2) x Diagonal2
(1/2 ) x 2x2 : (1/2) x 5x2
 4x2 :25x2 =4:25

10. (5) : Let B contribution is x.
(3500 x 12) /7x=2/3 =>14x=126000=>x=Rs9000

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