
Quant Quiz

1. The average age of two persons is 46 years. 16 years back the ratio between their ages were 1 : 2, then what is the difference between present ages of these two persons?
1) 16 years 
2) 20 years 
3) 24 years 
4) 12 years 
5) 8 years

2. In how many different ways can the letters of the word “MOBILE” be arranged?
1) 120 
2) 240 
3) 360 
4) 720 
5) 36

3. The population of a city is 480000. It increases by 8% in the first year and decreased by 9% in the second year. What will be the population of city after two years?
1) 565056 
2) 471744 
3) 518400 
4) 481344 
5) 523200

4. A train starts from Delhi and reaches Lucknow in 24.5 hours. If it travels the first half of journey at 30 kmph and second half at 40 kmph then what is the total distance it travelled?
1) 750 km 
2) 800 km 
3) 840 km 
4) 900 km 
5) 920 km

5. A wall have length 24m and breadth 16m. What will be total cost of painting it from both sides if rate of painting is Rs 8 per square metre?
1) Rs 5696 
2) Rs 5856 
3) Rs 6032 
4) Rs 6144 
5) Rs 6272

6. Mahesh sold an item to Shyam at 15% discounted value of printed rate. The discounted value is Rs. 867. If the printed rate is 20% profit on the purchase rate, then what is the purchase rate?
1) Rs 825 
2) Rs 850 
3) Rs 875 
4) Rs 900 
5) Rs 950

7. Vijay spent 25% of his monthly salary on food, 20% of remaining amount on house rent, and 8% of remaining amount on cloths. Now he is with Rs. 6624. How much amount he spent on cloths?
1) Rs 884 
2) Rs 778 
3) Rs 712 
4) Rs 642 
5) Rs 576

8. A mixture of 60 litres of milk and water contains 15% water. How much water must be added to make 40% water in the new mixture?
1) 12 litres 
2) 15 litres 
3) 20 litres 
4) 25 litres 
5) 30 litres

9. ‘A’ can do a work in 40 days. ‘B’ takes 60 days to complete it. ‘C’ takes as long as ‘A’ and ‘B’ would take working together. How long will it take A, B & C to complete the work together?
1) 12 days 
2) 15 days 
3) 20 days 
4) 24 days 
5) 30 days

10. What will come in place of both question marks (?) in the following equation?
75/? = ?/147
1) 49 
2) 95 
3) 115 
4) 85 
5) None of these

1. 2
Let the present age of these two persons are ‘x’ & ‘y’
(x + y)/2 = 46
x + y = 92
(x - 16)/(y - 16) = 1/2
2x - 32 = y - 16
2x - y = 16

Hence, x = 36 years & y = 56 years
Difference = 56 - 36 = 20

2. 4

Total number of letters is six and their is no repeatation.

So number of arrangements = 6! = 720

3. 2
Population = 480000 * 108/100 * 91/100 = 471744

4. 3
Let the total distance is 'x' km
x/(2 * 30) + x/(2 * 40) = 24.5
x/6 + x/8 = 245
(4x + 3x)/24 = 245
x = (245 * 24)/7 = 840 km

5. 4
Area of wall = 24 × 16 = 384 sqm
Area from both side = 2 × 384 = 768 sqm
Cost of painting = 768 × 8 = 6144

6. 2
Let the pruchase rate be ‘x’
Then, printed price = x + x * 20/100 = 6x/5
After 15% discounts, the price = 6x/5 - 6x/5 * 15/100 = 51x/50
51x/50 = 867
x = (867 * 50)/51 = 850

7. 5
Let his salary be x
x * 75/100 * 80/100 * 92/100 = 6624
x = 12000
Amount on clothes = 12000 * 80/100 * 75/100 * 8/100 = Rs. 576

8. 4
Let the water added be ‘x’ litre. Initially water was
15% of 60 litre ie 60 × 15/100 = 9 litres now water is (9 + x) litre
9 + x = (60 + x) × 100
45 + 5x = 120 + 2x
3x = 120 – 45 = 75
x = 25 litres

9. 1

(A + B)'s 1 day work = 1/40 + 1/60 = (3 + 2)/120 = 1/24
which is equal to C's 1 day work
(A + B + C)'s 1 day work
= 1/40 + 1/60 + 1/24 = (3 + 2 + 5)/120 = 1/12
(A + B + C) can finish the work in 12 days.

10. 5
75/? = ?/147
?^2 = 75 * 147
? = sqroot(75*147) = 105

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