
Mixed Quiz

1. A tank can be filled by pipes P1 and P2 in 12 minutes and 10 minutes respectively. The full tank can be emptied by a third pipe P3 in 8 minutes only. If all the pipes be turned on at same time, the tank will be full in–
1) 17 1/7 min 
2) 19 min 
3) Other than given options 
4) 16 min 
5) 20 min

2. In what ratio must 25% milk be mixed with 50% milk to get a mixture of 40% milk strength?
1) 1 : 3 
2) Other than given options 
3) Cannot be determined
4) 2 : 3 
5) 3 : 4

3. The product of a number and its square root is 27. What is the number?
1) 27 
2) Other than given options 
3) 9 
4) 3 
5) 3

4. How many square pieces of 5 cm side can be cut off a rectangular plate of 15 cm long 10 cm wide?
1) 6 
2) 3 
3) 5 
4) Other than given options 
5) 4

5. Three–fourth of two–fifth of a number is 45. What is 75% of that number?
1) Other than given options 
2) 150 
3) 112.5 
4) 300 
5) 225

Directions (Q. 6–10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Eight friends Lakshya, Manan, Nayan, Katayayani, Rishi, Saurabh, Tarun and Vanshika are sitting around a circular table and facing the centre. Lakshya sits third to the right of Manan and second to the left of Nayan. Rishi and Saurabh sits next to each other and none of them is an immediate neighbour of Lakshya. Katayani sits second to the right of Tarun. Vanshika sits second to the right of Saurabh who is an immediate neighbour of Manan.

6. Who sits third to the left of Vanshika?
1) Katyayani
2) Rishi
3) Nayan
4) Lakshya
5) Other than given options

7. Which of the following pair represents the immediate neighbours of Nayan?
1) Rishi–Saurabh
2) Manan–Vanshika
3) Katyayani–Tarun
4) Rishi–Katayayani
5) Other than given options

8. In which of the following groups of persons is the third person sitting exactly in the middle of the first and the second persons?
1) Nayan, Rishi, Saurabh
2) Lakshya, Vanshika, Tarun
3) Manan, Saurabh, Tarun
4) Other than given options
5) Manan, Nayan, Rishi

9. Four of the five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) Saurabh–Katayayani
2) Vanshika–Nayan
3) Nayan–Tarun
4) Manan–Nayan
5) Vanshika–Rishi

10. Who sits exactly opposite of Saurabh?
1) Lakshya
2) Katyayani
3) Vanshika
4) Nayan
5) Tarun

Directions (Q 11-15): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

(A) The members decide to use this fund and such other funds that all members may have as an insurance corpus through a management committee.

(B) Shakti is group of urban people who has taken initiative to associate themselves into a group of insured.

(C) Thus this self insurance corpus will help the families of service class totally below the poverty line, or who may
have been included in the BPL list.

(D) All ready to save and invest their savings into a common fund known as the insurance corpus.

(E) This self–insurance group consists of 40 persons.

(F) All members of this group belong to families below the poverty line.

11. Which of the following would be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) F
3) C
4) E
5) D

12. Which of the following would be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) E
2) C
3) F
4) A
5) B

13. Which of the following would be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
1) D
2) B
3) A
4) F
5) E

14. Which of the following would be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) F
2) A
3) D
4) E
5) B

15. Which of the following would be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) E
4) F
5) D

16. National Sports day is celebrated on –––
1) 29 August 
2) 27 August 
3) 31 August 
4) 5 September 
5) 29 September

17. Minimum Maturity of Commercial Paper is –––
1) 15 days 
2) 10 days 
3) 21 days 
4) 30 days 
5) 7 days

18. Which of the following is a direct tax ?
1) Excise duty 
2) Sales tax 
3) VAT 
4) Entertainment tax 
5) Property tax

19. Asset Reconstruction companies pays how much percent of bid value on Non Performing loans ?
1) 10% 
2) 5% 
3) 15% 
4) 20% 
5) 25 %

20.Which of the following is the first bank in India to use FCNR (B) swap window ?
1) SBI 
2) BOB 
3) IFCI 
4) HSBC 
5) Deutsche Bank

21. _____ connects million of people all over the world ?
1) Internet
2) LAN
3) WAN
4) MAN
5) None of these

22.Where the attributes and methods for each object are stored ?
1) UI automation tool
2) QTP tutorials
3) An object repository
4) Anywhere in system
5) None of these

23. Structured primary key is an invalid type of –––
1) Automatic primary key
2) Database key
3) Essential key
4) Secondary key
5) None of these

24.Which of the following is not a form of Biometrics ?
1) Thumb impression
2) Odor
3) Finger geometry recognition
4) DNA matching
5) None of these

25.Which best defines 'hypertext' ?
1) A non–linear way of presenting information
2) A method of hiding information
3) A sequential command
4) A collection of irrelevant information
5) None of these


1. 1

Part filled in 1 minute = (10 + 12 - 15)/120 = 7/120

Time taken = 120/7 = 17 1/7 minutes

2. 4

Required Ratio = 10:15 = 2:3

3. 3

Let the number be x

x * √x = 27
(x)^3/2 = 27 = (3)^3
(x)^1/2 = 3
x = (3)^2 = 9

4. 1

Required number = (15 * 10)/(5 * 5) = 6

5. 3

Required answer = 75/100 * 45 * 5/2 * 4/3 = 112.5


6. 2
7. 4
8. 2
9. 2
10. 1

(11–15): D D A E F C

11. 1
12. 3
13. 2
14. 4
15. 5

16. 1 
17. 5 
18. 5 
19. 3 
20. 5

21. 1
22. 3
23. 2
24. 5
25. 1

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