
Test Of the Day

1. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in the given expression in order make the expressions 'M = K' as well as 'L > P’ definitely true? 
 K = L?M>N>P 
Either < or =
Ans: K=L=M>N>P

2. In which of the following expressions will the expressions ‘H = F’ as well as 'J> H' be definitely true?
F > G > H = I = J
F < G = H < I < J
F = G = H = I <J
F = G > H > I = J
None of the above
Ans: F=G=H=I<J

3. Which of the following expressions will be false if the given expression ‘A< C = B =D = E' is definitely true?
A = D
E = C
D > C
E < B
All of the above

4. In which of the following expressions will the expression ‘L > P’ be definitely false?
L > M = N = P
P = N<L>M
P = M = N > L
L>M = N = P
None of the above
Ans: P=M=N>L

5. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that ‘V > Z’ definitely holds true?
V _ W _ X _ Z
<, =, =
>, =, <
=, <, =
>, =, >
None of the above
Ans: V>W=X>Z

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 6-10): Rearrange the following six sentences(A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them. 

(A) Do the devices that make it possible to do so many things at once truly raise our productivity or merely help us spin our wheels faster? 
(B) More important, they’re exploring what can be done about it– how we can work smarter, live smarter and put our beloved gadgets back in their proper place, with us running them, not the other way around. 
(C) The dinging digital devices that allow us to connect and communicate so readily also disrupt our work, our thoughts and what little is left of our private lives. 
(D) They have begun to calculate the pluses, the minuses and the economic costs of the interrupted life– in dollars, productivity and dysfunction. 
(E) What sort of toll is all this disruption and mental channel switching taking on our ability to think clearly work effectively and function as healthy human beings? 
(F) Over the past five years, psychologists, efficiency, experts and information-technology researchers have begun to explore those questions in detail.

6. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence?

7. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence?

8. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence?
9. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence?

10. Which of the following should be the SIXTH sentence?

11. The average temperature of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 38° and that of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 40°. If the temperature on Monday was 30°, the temperature of Friday was :
Ans: M+T+W+Th=(4×38)=152
Monday temparature is 30. So T+W+Th=(152-30)=122
F = (160-122)= 38°.
12. The average of weight of three men A,B and C is 84 kg. Another man D joins the group and the average now becomes 80 kg. If another man E, whose weight is 3 kg.more than that of D, replaces A, then the average weight of B,C,D and E becomes 79 kg. The weight of A is :
70 kg
72 kg
75 kg
80 Kg
78 Kg
Ans: A+B+C = 3×84=252
A+B+C+D= (4×80)=320
D = (320-252)=68 and E = (68+3)=71
Now, B+C+D+E = (4×79)=316
B+C+D=(316-71)=245 kg
So, A = (320-245)=75 kg.

13. The average age of 30 students in a class is 12 years. The average age of a group of 5 of the students is 10 years and that of another group of 5 of them is 14 years. The average of the remaining students is :
8 years
10 years
12 years
14 years
15 years
Ans: Let it be x . Then :
20x=360-120 or 20x=240 or x = 12

14. A train overtakes two persons who are walking in the same direction in which the train is going, at the rate of 2 kmph and 4 kmph and passes them completely in 9 and 10 seconds respectively. The length of the train is :
72 metres
54 metres
55 metres
45 metres
50 metres

15. A train travelling at 36 kmph completely crosses another train having half its length and travelling in the opposite direction at 54 kmph, in 12 seconds. If it also passes a railway platform in 112 minutes, the length of the platform is :
560 metres
620 metres
700 meres
750 metres
720 metres

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