
TNPSC Exam Syllabus 2015 [TNPSC AAO Exam Syllabus]

Latest Scheme of Exam & Syllabus for Tamil Nadu PSC Assistant Agricultural Officer (AAO) (Code No. 3101) Exam 2015 Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) AAO Exam Syllabus Important Topics to Study
TNPSC Exam Syllabus 2015
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) will conduct a Written exam for recruitment of Assistant Agricultural Officer (Code No. 3101) in Tamil Nadu Agricultural Extension Subordinate Service (Code No. 102). Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. Candidates facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare”. So, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Assistant Agriculture Officer Exam conducting by Tamil Nadu PSC.
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for the Assistant Agriculture Officer (AAO) written Exam is as Follows :-
PaperSubjectMaximum MarksNo. of QuestionsTime Duration
Paper – IAgriculture
(Diploma Standard)
30020003:00 Hrs.
Paper – IIGeneral Studies
(HSC Standard)
20010002:00 Hrs.
 Interview & Record70  
► The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
► Minimum Qualifying Marks for selection 171 (for SC, ST, MBC/DC BC(M) & BC) & 228 (for Others).
► The question paper in Paper I and II will be set both in Tamil and English.
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for Tamil Nadu PSC Assistant Agricultural Officer (AAO) Exam is given below :-
Unit I Agronomic principles, practices and meteorology
Agriculture – Definition – Scope of agriculture in India and Tamil Nadu – Branches of agriculture – Agronomy – Art and Science of Crop Production. Agronomical classification of crops – their importance. Major crops of India and Tamil Nadu. Factors affecting Crop Production – Moisture, Aeration, Light, Temperature and Nutrients. Cropping systems – definitions, Principles. Principles and Practices of Agricultural Operations – Tillage and Tilth – Objectives and Types of Tillage – Primary tillage, Secondary Tillage and Intercultural Operations, Implements and Tools in Agriculture.
Meteorology – Agricultural Meteorology – Definition – Importance in Crop Production – Atmosphere – Components and its importance – Weather Parameters and their role in Crop Production. Rainfall – Spatial and Temporal Variability in Tamil Nadu across Seasons – Agro Climatic Zones of Tamil Nadu
Irrigation – sources of water for irrigation – water movement,– soil moisture constants – available soil moisture – effect of water stress on crop yield – water use efficiency – water requirement of major crops – critical stages of water requirement – irrigation scheduling – types and advantages – Irrigation methods – Irrigation water use efficiency – management of poor quality irrigation water – soil erosion due to water and control.
Weeds – definition and importance of weed control in crop production – classification of weeds – methods of weed control – manual, mechanical, cultural, chemical and biological methods – relative merits and demerits – Herbicide classification based on mode of action and method of application – common herbicides available in the market– weed control practices for major crops – parasitic, problematic and aquatic weed management – integrated weed management – concepts and practices.
Agronomic Practices including Climatic and Soil Requirement, Land Preparation – Seeds and Sowing – Varieties – Fertilizer Management – Irrigation – Weed Control – Harvesting – Cropping Systems for Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Commercial Crops, Forages and Green Manure Crops. Cultivation of Mulberry Crop
Unit II Dry Farming and Agro-Forestry
Dry Farming – Definition and Present Status in Tamil Nadu – Soils of Dry Farming Tracts and their limitation to Crop Production – Major Crops of Dry Land. Suitable Dry Land Technology for increased Crop Productivity – Pre-monsoon sowing – Conventional Crop Production Vs Alternate land Use in Dry Land – Integrated Farming Systems in dry lands. Erosion – Classification of Erosion – Water and Wind Erosion – Land Slide – Contour Bund, Graded Bund, Bench Terrace, Contour Stone Wall. Gully Control Structures – Cultivation Practices – Water Harvest – Farm Ponds – Percolation Ponds –Weather aberrations and Contingent Crop Planning – Important Drought Events in Tamil Nadu and their effect on Crop Production; Watershed development – definition and components
Land use classification – Role of Forests – Indian forests – Status – Classification – Disciplines in Forestry – Agro forestry – Definition – Differences between Agro forestry, Social Forestry, Urban Forestry – Advantages – Agro forestry Systems – Primary Systems – Agrisilviculture, Silvipasture, Agrisilvipasture – Mixed Wood Lots – Sub Systems – Shifting Cultivation – Taungya – Home Gardens – Alley cropping – Wind Break and Shelter Belts – Agro forestry Practices. Constraints in Agro forestry – Trees for Problem Soils – Sand – Sand Dune Stabilization – Social Forestry Projects in Tamil Nadu –Industrial Agro forestry – Waste land development – types of wastelands and management practices. Management Practices for Multi Purpose Trees (MPT) – Teak, Casuarina, Ailanthus, Neem, Bamboo, Acacia
Unit III Soils and Fertility Management
Definition of Soil – Its main components – Soils of Tamil Nadu. Soil Physical Properties – Color, Texture, Structure, Bulk Density, Pore Space, Soil water, Soil Air, Soil Temperature and their significance in crop production. Soil Chemical Properties – Soil Colloids – Ion-exchange Reactions – Soil Organic Matter and its decomposition – Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles – Soil Micro Organisms – Importance of Organic Matter on Soil Properties. Soil Reaction – Acid, Saline and Alkaline Soils – Their Formation and Reclamation – Soil Pollutants. Soil Fertility – Major, Secondary and Minor Plant Nutrients. Soil Fertility evaluation, Soil Testing and fertilizer recommendations. Fertilizers – Nitrogenous, Phosphatic and Potassic Fertilizers – Complex and Mixed Fertilizers, Efficient use of Fertilizers. Bio-Fertilizers – Groups of Bio-Fertilizers – Bacterial, Fungal, Algal and Azolla. Irrigation water – Qualities of irrigation water – Water testing
Unit IV Horticultural Crop Cultivation Techniques
Study of Cultural Practices of the following Fruit Crops with reference to Soil, Climate, Varieties, Methods of Propagation, Cultural, Manorial, Horticultural and Irrigation practices – physiological and nutritional disorders – Training and Pruning – Role of Growth Regulators – Maturity Standards – Methods of Harvesting – Yield. Post harvest Technology – Grading – Packing – Storage. Tropical fruits:- Mango, Banana, Grapes, Papaya, Sapota, Guava, Citrus, Pomegranate, Ber, Annona, Amla and Jack. Subtropical and Temperate fruits: Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum and Pineapple. Propagation methods – sexual, asexual and micro-propagation – merits and demerits – steps in micro-propagation – packing and marketing of tissue culture plants
Importance of Vegetables – Nutritive Value – Types of Vegetable Garden: Kitchen Garden, Nutritional Garden, Truck Garden, Commercial Garden – Soil and Climatic Requirements, Varieties, Cultural Practices, Irrigation, weeding – use of growth regulators, manuring, Harvesting, Yield and Post Harvest Handling of Tomato, Brinjal, Chilies, Bhendi, Onion, Cucurbits; Temperate Vegetables like Cauliflower, Cabbage, Turnip, Knol-khol; Salad Vegetables; Root and Tuber vegetables; Greens and Perennials – Tissue Culture achievements in Vegetables.
Cultural Requirements of Commercial Flower Crops – Jasmine, Rose, Chrysanthemum, Marigold, Tuberose, Crossandra, Cockscomb. Garden Design – Formal and Informal Gardens – Components of Garden – Lawns and Lawn Making – Study of Important Flowering Annuals, Flowering and Foliage Shrubs – Flowering and Foliage Trees – Creepers and Climbers – Cacti and Succulents – Indoor Plants and Indoor Decoration – Cut Flowers – Flower arrangement – Bonsai Culture and dry flower decoration.
Preparing ornamental garden design for home – Lawn Making; Different Methods of Lawn Making – Identification of Important Annuals, Herbaceous, Perennials, Shrubs, Trees, Cacti and Succulents, Creepers and Climbers, Bulbous Plants and Hedge Plants – Preparation of Pot Mixture – Potting and Repotting Exercise – Raising Nursery for Ornamental Plants – Flower Arrangement – Interior decoration – Bonsai Practices
Definition – Area and Production – Soil, Climate, Varieties, Propagation, Cultural, Manorial and Irrigation Practices, Training and Pruning, Harvesting, Yield, Processing, Grading and Packing, Value added Products of : Spices – Pepper, Cardamom, Clove, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Allspice, Turmeric, Ginger, tamarind, Coriander and Fenugreek. Plantation Crops – Coffee, Tea, Coconut, Areca nut, Cashew, Cocoa and Rubber. Medicinal Crops – Coleus, Gloriosa, Ashwagandha, Senna, Keezhanelli, Agave, Thulasi and Achorus.
Unit V Breeding and Seed Production
Field Crops – Importance – Classification – Agricultural and Industrial – Chemical Composition of Economic Parts in the Crops & Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibers, Sugar and Starch Crops. Plant Photosynthesis – Respiration – Translocation of Assimilates. Reproductive and Pollination System in Plants – Mechanisms promoting Self Pollination and Cross Pollination in crop plants – Genetic Conservation and utilization.
Breeding Techniques for Self Pollinated Crops – Pure line selection – Mass Selection – Hybridization and Selection – Pedigree Method – Bulk Method – For Crops like – Rice, Sorghum, Black gram, Groundnut. Breeding Techniques for Cross Pollinated and Often Cross Pollinated Crops – Mass Selection, Heterosis Breeding – Development of Hybrids – Single Cross – Double Cross and Poly Cross – Use of Male Sterile lines for Hybrid Seed Production – Synthetics and composites for crops like Maize, Cumbu, Redgram, Cotton, Castor, Sunflower, Coconut. Breeding Methods for vegetatively propagated crops – Clonal Selection – Hybridization and selection for crops like Sugarcane, Tapioca and Potato. Mutation in crop improvement – Polyploidy in Crop Improvement – Inter Specific Hybridization.
Seed – Importance – Seed Quality Characteristics – Classes of Seed – Nucleus, Breeder, Foundation and Certified Seed – Guidelines for Seed Production – Multiplication Ratio – Seed Certification, general certification standards – Field Inspection – Methodology for Certification – Seed Standards – Floral biology – Pollination and Role of Insects, Environmental and Edaphic Factors. Seed Production Techniques for Varieties and Hybrid in Rice, Sorghum, Maize, Cumbu, Pulses, Cotton, Oilseeds and Important Vegetables: Tomato, Brinjal, Chilies, Bhendi, Lablab and Cucurbits. Harvesting, Processing, Treatment, Storage, Seed Health and Marketing.
Unit VI Plant Protection Principles and Practices
Insects – Definitions – Characters of Insects – Elementary knowledge of Insect – Dominance of Insects; Mouth Parts – Wings – Legs. Economic Classification of Insects – Sericulture – Rearing of Mulberry silk worms – Apiculture – Role of Bees in Crop Productivity – Hiving Bees and Apiary Management. Beneficial Insects – Insect Pollinators – Predators and Parasitoids. Pest – Definition – Categories of Pests – Pest outbreak – Pest Monitoring – Pest Surveillance – Forecasting – Economic Threshold Level – Economic Injury Level. Pest Management Components – Cultural, Physical, Mechanical, Legal and Integrated Methods – Use of Resistant Varieties, Biological Control – Parasitoids, Predator and Microbial Agents.
Pesticides – Groups, Classification, Mode of Action – Formulation and Uses, Principles of Pesticides application – Hazards in the use of Pesticides and Environmental Pollution – Safe Handling of Pesticides – Pesticide residue – Behavior modifying chemicals – Use of Pheromones in pest management and behavioral modifying chemicals; approach.
Damage symptoms – life cycle and management practices of insect and non insect pests of Rice, Sorghum, Maize, Cumbu, Ragi, Cotton, Sugarcane, Pulses, Groundnut, Castor, Gingelly, Sunflower, Brinjal, Tomato, Bhendi, Cucurbits, Crucifers, Moringa, Tapioca, Chilies, Onion, Coconut, Areca nut, Turmeric, Curry-leaf, Coffee, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Betel vine, Flower crops, Mango, Citrus, Banana, Grapes, sapota, Guava, Pomegranate, Pests of stored materials and their management
Plant diseases – definition, Causes of plant diseases – Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses and Mycoplasma – Categories of plant diseases – Mode of spread – Environmental factors influencing diseases out breaks. Control exclusion – Eradication – Immunization – Protection – Cultural – Methods of Control– Bio control – Economics of the new technologies, Useful fungi – mushroom, cultivation of Oyster mushroom, Trichoderma – utility. Characteristics of an ideal fungicide – Care in handling fungicides – Major groups – Formulation and Applications – Phytotoxicity – Precautions in using fungicides – Antibiotics in plant disease management. Bio technology and its application in disease management – Assessment of crop diseases and losses – Principles of management in Plant Disease Control – Integrated Pest Management in plant disease control.
Major diseases caused by Fungi, Bacteria, Virus and Mycoplasma in Cereals (Rice, Sorghum, Maize, Cumbu, Ragi), Pulses ( Red gram, Black gram, Green gram, Bengal gram, Cowpea, Lablab) – Oil seeds (Groundnut, Gingelly, Sunflower, Castor), Cash crops (Cotton, Sugarcane, Tobacco, Betel vine) – Fruits (Mango, Banana, Grapevine, Sapota, Pomegranate, Papaya) – Vegetables (Tomato, Chilllies, Brinjal, Bhendi, Cucurbits, Crucifers, Onion, Garlic) – Plantation crops (Coffee, Tea, Rubber, Coconut, Areca nut) – Spices (Turmeric, Pepper, Cardamom, Coriander, Ginger) – Flowers (Rose, Jasmine, Crossandra, Chrysanthemum) and their management.
Unit VII Livestock, Poultry Management, Artificial Insemination and Calf Rearing
Significance of livestock and poultry in Indian economy –Role of livestock and poultry in Indian agriculture – Various systems of livestock production – extensive – semi intensive – intensive – mixed – Integrated farming systems – Manure management methods – Definition of breed – classification of indigenous, exotic cattle and buffaloes – Breed characteristics of Sindhi, Kangeyam and Umblacherry, Jersey, Holstein Fricsian, Murrah and Surti. Breeding – importance of cross breeding
Artificial Insemination – merits and demerits – Housing management – farm site selection space requirement for calves, heifer, milch animal and work bullocks – Type and design of house. – Systems of housing – Single row system – Double row system – head to head and tail to tail – merits and demerits – Care and management of new born calf and heifers – Care and management of pregnant, lactating animals and work bullocks.
Milk – Definition – clean milk production – methods of milking – hand and machine milking – Processing of milk – cooling Pasteurization – Definition – Various methods – Low Temperature Long Time and High Temperature Short Time – advantages and disadvantages.
Nutrition – Definition – Ration – Balanced composition of concentrate feed for dairy animal, calf and work bullock – Requirement and importance of green fodder, carrying capacity and forage cycle.
Diseases – classification – Viral, bacterial and metabolic – General control and preventive measures. – Viral Diseases – Foot and mouth – Bacterial diseases – Anthrax, Hemorrhagic septicemia and Black quarter – Metabolic – Tympanites, Ketosis and Milk fever – Mastitis and its control – Zoonotic diseases(Anthrax, Tuberculosis, Brucellosis and Rabies) – Prevention and control.
Sheep and Goat farming – classification of breeds of Indian and exotic origin – Systems of rearing – Housing management – Type design – Floor diagram – Space requirement for adult and young stock –Nutrition – common tree Fodder for small ruminants – Common ailments of sheep and goat – Sheep pox – Foot and Mouth – Blue Tongue – Enterotoxaemia – Ecto and Endo parasites
Systems of poultry rearing – Backyard, Intensive systems; Nomenclature of commercial layers and broiler strains – Care and management of day old chicks – Brooder management. Systems of housing – Deep litter and cage systems – merits and demerits – Raised platform housing – Floor space requirement – litter management – care and management of layers – Care and management of broilers.
Poultry Nutrition – composition of chick mash grower, layer, broiler starter and finisher mashes – Feed Conversion Ratio / dozen eggs or kilogram of meat. Classification of Poultry diseases – Viral – Bacterial – Protozoan – Causative organisms, symptoms, causes and prevention – Viral diseases – Ranikhet disease – Infectious bursal disease – Bacterial disease – E. coli – Coryza – Salmonellosis – Protozoan – Coccidiosis – Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Unit VIII Farm Machinery and Post Harvest Technology
Farm houses – types – sewage disposal structures – cess pool. Bore hole – Septic Tank Structures – Dispersion Trenches – Soak pit. Gutters & Floorings – loose housing system – Feeding Sheds and Milking Sheds – Silos – types – pit silo, Trench silo. Poultry Structures – Location and Types. Poultry Equipments –Feeders and Waterers – Brooder House Details. – Thrashing Floor, drying floor. I.C. Engines – Types, Introduction – Preventive maintenance and minor repairs. Tractor – Different systems of a tractor – Hydraulic system – Clutch and Transmission system – Hitching of implements to Tractor – Power Tiller – and matching Implements. Seeders and planters. Plant Protection equipment –Harvesting machinery. Agricultural Pumps – Types of pumps.
Post Harvest losses in durable and Perishable crops – Moisture content – Methods of Determination – Drying – Sun Drying – Merits and Demerits – Mechanical Drying – Merits and Demerits. Shelling and Decorticator – Rubber Roll Sheller – Centrifugal Dehusker. Parboiling of Paddy – Merits and Demerits – Polishing – Milling of Corn and Pulses – Principles and Methods – Seed Treater – Types of Seed Treater. Storage of Grains and Seeds – Condition for safe storage.
Unit IX Energy and Environment
Energy Resources and Forms of Energy – Conventional and Non Conventional Energy – Energy Scope. Solar Energy – Introduction – Application – Merits and Limitations of Solar Energy – Basic Approach and Objectives – Solar Constants. Wind Energy – Introduction – Merits and Limitations of Wind Energy Conversion – Basic Principles of Wind Energy Conversion – Classification of WEC Systems. Energy from Bio-Mass – Technologies – Classification and types of Bio-Gas Plants – Selection of Site – Bio-Gas from Plant Wastes – Problems related to Bio-gas Plants – Utilization of Bio-gas. Bio Fuel Plant – Gasifiers – Smokeless Chulas.
Ecology – Natural resources – Soil, Water, Mineral, forest, wildlife resources – Ecosystems – Concepts – Productivity. Biosphere – Components and characteristics Environmental Pollution and Management – Atmospheric Pollution – Particulate emission by industries and automobiles – Smog – Acid rain – Ozone hole – Global Warming – Causes, Effects and Control measures – Noise pollution – Sources, Effects and prevention – Liquid and Solid Waste disposal – Waste water treatment – Waste recycling and resource recovery. Sustainable living resources: World food supply – Ecological Perspective in Agriculture – Traditional farming methods – Eco-Safe technologies in agriculture.
Food composition – Classification – functions. Physical properties of foods, food emulsion, foam and set. Cooking methods, sensory evaluation, fortification, additives. Nutrition and health – Classification of Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat and Fibre. Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Assessments of nutritional status, Prevalence of malnutrition. National and International Organization
Unit X Commercial Agriculture
Bio-Control Agents, Mushroom Cultivation, Fruits and Vegetables Processing, Hybrid Seed Production, Nursery Technology, Organic Composting and Broiler Production
Importance – History and development of bio-control agents – classical examples of biocontrol agents – Role in pest and disease management – Categories of bio-control agents. Setting up a bio-control laboratory. Mass culture of tobacco caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) and gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armiger)- synthetic diet – mass production of SlNPV and HaNPV. Mass production of Trichogramma spp., Chrysoperla, coccinellid predators, Trichoderma viride, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Entomopathogenic nematodes
Mushroom- importance-present production and trade, scope for export, mushroom products – Mushroom morphology : common edible mushrooms – Pleurotus, Calocybe – poisonous mushrooms – Laboratory techniques: equipments used, sterilization of glassware, media preparation, pure culture techniques, sub-culturing and storage. Spawn: types of spawn, mother spawn and bed spawn. Cultivation: Oyster mushroom, Milky mushroom – Problems in cultivation: weed moulds, diseases, pests and abiotic disorders – Uses of mushroom: as food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical values, composting coir-pith and other agro-wastes – Post harvest technology: methods of preservation and value addition.
Floor layout of Fruit and Vegetable processing Industry – Equipments and Accessories used in processing Industry – Preparation of Squash, Syrup, Cordial, Nectar, Ready to serve beverages (RTS) – Fruit juice concentrate – Paste, Powder, Bar – Jam, Jelly, Marmalade and Candy, Preserve – Pickles – Oil, Salt and vinegar – Tomato products – Ketch up. Sauce, Puree and Paste – Canning of Fruit and Vegetables – Dehydrated Fruit and Vegetables and Re-hydration – Preservation by low temperature – cut-out analysis of canned Fruit and Vegetables – Evaluation of Frozen Fruit and Vegetables – Osmotic dehydration
Definition – Production of hybrids – Development of inbreeds – Single cross evaluation – Prediction of double cross performance – Production of hybrid seed – Cytoplasmic, Genetic male sterility – Maintenance of Male sterile lines – Production of single cross hybrids – Production of double cross hybrid varieties – Manual emasculation and / or Pollination – Chemically induced male sterility – Merits and demerits of hybrid varieties– Floral biology, anthesis, pollination, selfing, emasculation and crossing technique in Rice, Sorghum, Pearl millet, Red gram, Castor, Sunflower, Cotton, Tomato, Bhendi.
Harvesting – Physical and chemical indices – Extraction techniques – Seed processing – Use of cleaner, grader – Seed treatment – Seed packaging – Seed storage – Sanitation – Certification procedure
Selection of nursery area – preparation of seeds and seed treatment – Sowing and raising of rootstocks (Fruits and Flower Crops) – Application of Liquid Manure and plant protection of rootstock – Potting materials and Preparation of pot mixture – Potting of Rootstock and Hardening – Selection of Scion Plants and Grafting, Aftercare of Grafted Plants, Graft Separation and Hardening – Preparation of Cuttings of Ornamental Plants, Treating the Cuttings with growth regulators and Planting in Mist Chamber in Beds/Polybags, Potting of Rooted Cuttings and Hardening – Air Layering of Ornamental/Fruit Crops – Budding of Ornamental Plants (Rose) – Maintenance of Potted Plants – Packing and Marketing.
Agricultural, Industrial and Urban wastes – Nutrient potential of different organic manures – Preparation of FYM Compost – Composting methods – Preparation of enriched FYM – Coir pith composting – Sugarcane trash – Press mud – Farm wastes and farm weeds – Parthenium composting – Determination of maturity indices of composts – Commercial utility of organic manures –Introduction to vermicompost – Types of Vermicompost – Materials for vermicomposting. Preliminary treatment of composting material – Small Scale vermicomposting – Large scale vermicomposting – Other types of vermicomposting – Requirements for vermicomposting – Bedding materials, container, pH, Moisture content, Temperature – Cover feed substrates – Selection of right type of worm species – Preparation of vermicompost beds – Collection of Vermicompost – Vermicompost efficiency – Transportation of live worms – Application of vermicompost
Preparation of poultry house for receiving new chicks for broiler production – Disinfection – Sanitation procedures – Arrangement of Brooders, brooding, spreading of litter and medication – Medication schedule and vaccination – broiler chicks – Measures to control respiratory problems. Coccidiosis and their management problems – Feeding, watering, spacing – Management of litter – Use of growth promoters and feed additives – Improvement of feed intake and feed conversion efficiency – Composition of broiler feeds, feeding ages and consumption levels – Commonly used ingredients in feed mixing for broilers – Least cost feed formulation – Observation on feed consumption, use of stimulants – Recording of body weight of broilers during growth – Management of broilers during summer – winter –Common basic post mortem findings to know the cause of death – Dressing procedures to prepare ready to cook broilers – Various poultry meat preparations.
Importance of artificial insemination. Basic study of the reproductive organs of a Bull/He-buffalo) – Fundamentals about semen production. Artificial vagina structure. Collection, processing for insemination – Basic knowledge about the Frozen semen straw production – Liquid Nitrogen – Cryocan – Handling of Cryocan – Storage of Frozen semen straws – Handling of Frozen semen straw – Visit to frozen semen production stations.
Basic knowledge about the reproductive organs of cows/she-buffalo – Puberty – Oestrus cycle – Oestrum – Symptoms of heat – Stages of oestrus cycle-Standing heat – Identification of Animals in “Heat”-Management of animals in “Heat”. Examination of reproductive organs in slaughter house specimen – Repeated rectal examination of reproductive organs in animals going for slaughter –Artificial insemination technique –– Non return to heat – Pregnancy examination – Study of various stages of pregnancy by rectal examination – Care and management of pregnant animals – Nearing calving animals – Calving.
Unit XI Agrl.Extension and Agrl.Economics
Rural Economics and Agricultural Economics – Meaning, importance and scope – Sectors of Economy – Importance of agriculture in rural economy: Problems of rural economy – Population growth and its consequences. Agents of production: Land distribution – Size of land holding – Man-Land ratio – Subdivision and Fragmentation – Land reform – Ceiling on land holding, Tenurial reforms, Consolidation of land holdings – Cooperative farming and Bhoodhan movement – Success and failure. Rural labor: Meaning – Classification – Characteristics of rural labor – agricultural labor – Employment, wages and income – Minimum wages act and other welfare measures.
Rural Banking and Finance: Meaning and Concept – Classification and purpose – Sources of finance – Institutional and non-institutional – Government, cooperatives, nationalized commercial banks, regional rural banks and land development banks, private money lenders and other traditional sources – Establishment of NABARD and its role, Multi-agency, Service area approach. Rural industries: Importance and their classification – Investment needs – Generation of employment.
Types of agro-industries – Rural industries project – Khadi and Village Industries – Problems of rural industries – Potentials for development of agro- industries from agricultural products and wastes – Sugarcane, Cotton seed, Banana sheath, Forestry products – Rural technologies – Technology gap – Economic and social constraints in the spread of technology. Study of important and recent rural development schemes.
Concepts and definition of marketing and agricultural marketing – Scope of agricultural marketing – Classification of Markets – Structure of markets. Characteristics of agricultural commodities: Small quantities, Bulkiness, Perish ability, Varietal characteristics. Problems in grading and standardization. Marketing costs and marketing margins. Price spread. Advantages and problems.
Cooperative agricultural marketing societies and regulated markets – Role of National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation and TANFED. Role of specialized agencies viz., Food Corporation of India, Central Warehousing Corporation, State Warehousing Corporation in marketing of agricultural commodities and CCI.
Price support programmes – Buffer stock operations – Role of Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices – Price stabilization. Agmark grading and commercial grading – Marketing information and intelligence – Marketing of agricultural inputs viz., seeds, fertilizers, plant protection chemicals and implements.
Sociology – Rural Sociology – Characteristics of rural society. Rural Youth – Their needs and aspirations. Basic rural institutions and voluntary agencies. Leadership – Classification, Characteristics and their influence. Motivation – Methods of Motivation. Social change. Adoption – Meaning, Stages, Adopter categories and their characteristics. Extension methods – Classification – Individual contact, group contact and mass contact methods. Extension aids – Audio aids, Visual aids and Audio Visual aids. Print and Electronic media. Photography, new achievements in communication technology.
Visit to a village – Identifying resources, conducting participatory rural appraisal (PRA), conducting SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis and preparing action plan for village development.
Visiting farmers – Analysis of farm resources and studying the life style of farmers, earnings, enterprises, expenditure pattern, technical information seeking behavior and dissemination of technologies. Finding the factors of adoption of technologies.
Problem diagnosis study – visiting farmers’ fields, identifying technical and frequent problems like soil, pest, disease, disorders and other problems in agriculture, obtaining solutions from known sources and providing them to the farmers.
Visiting agro service centers – Studying the business techniques, farmers approach, distribution pattern, dealership pattern, knowing different agro chemicals available in markets and their prices, gaining experience in solving the farmers problems in agro service centers.
Visiting daily vegetable wholesale markets and assessing the price fluctuation and preparing price trend calendar for different vegetables. Preparing line chart for maximum price of different vegetables grown in the district and identifying optimum sowing period for different vegetables.
Study the potentialities, prospects and to get clear knowledge about starting agro industries.
Unit XII Computer Application
Introduction to Computers – Hardware – Software – Operating systems – Windows operating systems – Word processing – MS Word – Data Entry using Excel – Charts – Graphs – Internet – E Mail – Multimedia Presentation – Application of computer in agriculture – Preparation of Tabular Columns, Charts and Graphs – Multimedia Presentation – power point – Internet and E- Mail and Application of computer in agriculture.
Unit‐I General Science
Nature of Universe‐General Scientific laws‐Inventions and discoveries‐National scientific laboratories‐Mechanics and properties of matter‐Physical quantities, standards and units‐Force, motion and energy‐Magnetism, electricity and electronics‐ Heat, light and sound

Elements and Compounds‐Acids, bases and salts‐Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides

Main Concepts of life science‐Classification of living organism‐Nutrition and dietetics‐Respiration

Blood and blood circulation‐Reproductive system‐Environment, ecology, health and hygiene‐Human diseases, prevention and remedies‐Animals, plants and human life

Unit‐II Current Events
Latest diary of events‐national ‐National symbols‐Profile of States‐Eminent persons & places in news‐Sports & games‐Books & authors ‐Awards & honors’‐India and its neighbors

Political Science
Problems in conduct of public elections‐Political parties and political system in India‐Public awareness & General administration‐Welfare oriented govt. schemes, their utility

Geographical landmarks

Current socio‐economic problems

Latest inventions on science & technology

Unit‐III Geography
Earth and Universe‐Solar system‐Monsoon, rainfall, weather & climate‐Water resources ‐rivers in India‐Soil, minerals & natural resources‐Forest & wildlife‐Agricultural pattern‐Transport & communication‐Social geography – population‐density and distribution‐Natural calamities – Disaster Management.
Unit- IV History and culture of India and Tamil Nadu
Indus valley civilization‐Guptas, Delhi Sultans, Mughals and Marathas‐Age of Vijayanagaram and the brahmanis‐South Indian history‐Culture and Heritage of Tamil people‐India since independence‐Characteristics of Indian culture‐Unity in diversity – race, color, language, custom‐India‐as secular state‐Growth of rationalist, Dravidian movement in TN‐Political parties and populist schemes
Constitution of India‐‐Preamble to the constitution‐ Salient features of constitution‐ Union, state and territory‐ Citizenship‐rights amend duties‐ Fundamental rights‐ Fundamental duties‐ Human rights charter‐ Union legislature – Parliament‐. State executive‐. State Legislature – assembly‐ Local government – panchayati raj – Tamil Nadu‐ Judiciary in India – Rule of law/Due process of law‐. Elections‐. Official language and Schedule‐VIII. Corruption in public life‐. Anti‐corruption measures –CVC, lok‐adalats, Ombudsman, CAG‐ Right to information‐ Empowerment of women‐ Consumer protection forms
Nature of Indian economy‐ Five‐year plan models‐an assessment‐Land reforms & agriculture‐Application of science in agriculture‐Industrial growth‐Rural welfare oriented programmers‐Social sector problems – population, education, health, employment, poverty‐Economic trends in Tamil Nadu
National renaissance‐‐Emergence of national leaders‐Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore‐Different modes of agitations‐Role of Tail Nadu in freedom struggle Rajaji, VOC, periyar , Bharathiar & others
Conversion of information to data‐Collection, compilation and presentation of data ‐ Tables, graphs, diagrams‐Parametric representation of data‐Analytical interpretation of data ‐Simplification‐Percentage‐Highest Common Factor (HCF)‐Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)‐Ratio and Proportion‐Simple interest‐ Compound interest‐Area‐Volume‐Time and Work ‐ Logical Reasoning‐Puzzles‐ Dice‐Visual Reasoning‐Alpha numeric Reasoning‐Number Series.
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