
Banking Awareness Quiz

1. The term ‘Moral suasion’ refers to
(a) The banker’s duty of secrecy as regards the affairs and accounts of his customers  
(b) Moral duty of a borrower to deal with only one bank
(c) The advice given by Reserve bank to banks/financial institutions in the matter of their lending and other operations with the objective that they might implement or follow   
(d) All
(e) None

2. Which of the following are the reasons for dishonour of cheques, for initiation of procedding under section 138 of the Negotiable instruments act
(a) effects not cleared, please present again   
(b) insufficient funds
(c) not arranged for   
(d) exceeds arrangement
(e) all of the above

3. On 19th July 1969, 14 banks were nationalized, these banks had deposits of more than
(a) Rs 25 crore
(b) Rs 50 crore
(c) Rs 85 crore   
(d) Rs 100 crore
(e) None of these

4. Where the signature of the drawer of a cheque is not genuine, such a cheque is called
(a) post dated cheque
(b) stale cheque
(c) forged cheque
(d) all
(e) none

5. Capital market refers to all the facilities and institutions arrangements for
(a) borrowing
(b) lending
(c) medium and long term funds
(d) all
(e) none

6. A Pledge means
(a) advanced against goods
(b) hypothecation of goods
(c) bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt or performance of a promise.
(d) Open limits
(e) none

7. Truncation of cheques means
(a) scanning of the cheques and transmission of electronic image instead of physical cheque in the clearing cycle 
(b) debiting of drawer’s account through internet
(c) Both of the above
(d) none of the above
(e) (a) or (b)

8. What do you mean by Priority sector?
(a) Priority sector means a group of activities which are to be financed on the priority
(b) A group of borrowers, from whom, recovery to be made on priority basis   
(c) A group of peoples, whose accounts to be opened on priority
(d) all
(e) none

9. The term ‘ways and means’ advances refer to
(a) the temporary advance made to the government by its bankers to bridge the internal between expenditure and the flow of receipts of revenue
(b) the advance given by the banks to the poorest of the society
(c) lending made under PMRY scheme
(d) All
(e) None

10. National housing banks is wholly owned by:
(a) RBI
(b) Housing development finance corporation LTD.
(c) Housing development boards of various states   
(d) All
(e) none


1.   c
2.   b
3.   b
4.   c
5.   d
6.   c
7.   a
8.   a
9.   a
10. a