
Quant Quiz

Directions: What value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following questions?

1. 99 50/51 * 561 = ?
1) 57089 
2) 54089 
3) 56089 
4) 56099 
5) 56182

2. 114 % of 250 + 124 % of 450 = ?
1) 833 
2) 843 
3) 923 
4) 823 
5) 943

3. 1/(21/5) + 1/(32/5) = ?
1) 41/105 
2) 44/105 
3) 47/110 
4) 43/107 
5) 43/105

Directions: Each question below is followed by two statements A and B. You have to determine whether the data given in the statement are sufficient to answer the question. You should use the data and your knowledge of mathematics to choose between the possible answers. Give answer

1) if the statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement B alone is not sufficient.
2) if the statement B alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement A alone is not sufficient.
3) if the both statement A and B together are needed to answer the question.
4) if either the statement A alone or B alone is sufficient to answer the question.
5) if you cannot get the answer from the statements A and B together, but needed even more data.

4. What would have been the selling price per kg of sugar?

A. 80 kg of sugar was purchased at Rs. 5200 and Rs. 400 were spent on transport.

B. Profit earned on selling would be 15%.

5. What is the volume of a cube?

A. The area of each face of the cube is 81 m^2.

B. The length of one side of the cube is 9 m.

6. What is the speed of a boat in still water?

A. The downstream speed of the boat is three times the upstream speed of the boat.

B. The sum of upstream and downstream speeds of the boat is 16 kmph.

7. The number obtained by interchanging the two digits of a two-digit number is less than the original number by 36. If the sum of the two digits of the number is 8, then what is the original number?
1) 26 
2) 53 
3) 62 
4) 35 
5) 71

8. The distance between two stations S1 and S2 is 640 km. A train J starts at 5 pm from S1 and moves towards S2 at an average speed of 80 km/h. Another train K starts from S2 at 4 : 20 pm and moves towards S1 at an average speed of 100 km/hr. How far from S1 will the two trains meet?
1) 248.18 km 
2) 278.48 km 
3) 276.38 km 
4) 254.81 km 
5) 268.18 km

9. Aashi had Rs. 20,000 with her out of this money she lent some money to Anshul for 4 years at 20% p.a. simple interest. She lent the remaining money to Rajat for an equal number of years at the rate of 24% p.a. After 4 years, Aashi found that Anshul had given her Rs. 864 more as interest as compared to Rajat. The amount of money which Aashi had lent to Rajat must be.
1) Rs. 10,600 
2) Rs. 11,400 
3) Rs. 8600 
4) Rs. 10,400 
5) Rs. 9600

10. A 280-m-long train takes 20 sec to cross a person who is going in the same direction with the speed of 6 km/h. After crossing that person, the train can reach next station in 45 min. How long will that person take to reach the station after being crossed by train?
1) 7 hr 3 min 
2) 6 hr 3 min 
3) 7 hr 30 min 
4) 7 hr 50 min 
5) 6 hr 30 min


1. 3
? = (100 - 1/51) * 561 = 56089

2. 2
? = 114/100 * 250 + 124/100 * 450
= 285 + 558 = 843

3. 5
? = 5/21 + 6/35
= (25 + 18)/105 = 43/105

4. 3
From statement A,
Total CP of 80 kg = (5200 + 400) = Rs. 5600

From statement B, profit = 15%
Combining both the statement A and B, we get

SP = 115/100 * 5600 = Rs. 6440
SP per kg of sugar = 6440/80 = Rs. 80.5

5. 4;
Let edge of the cube be a metre.
From statement A;
a^2 = 81
a = 9 m
Volume = a^3 = 93 = 729 m^3

From statement B,
a = 9 m
Volume = a3 = 93 = 729 m3

6. 2
From statement B,
Speed of boat in still water = 1/2 * 16 = 8 km/hr

7. 3
Let the original number be 10x + y
(10x + y) – (10y + x) = 36
9x – 9y = 36
x – y = 4 and x + y = 8
x = 6; y = 2
The original number = 62

8. 4
Let two trains meet at x km from station S1

Time taken by K to cover (640 – x) km – Time taken by J to cover x km.
 40/60 = 2/3
(640 - x)/100 - x/80 = 40/60
x = 6880/ = 254.81 km

9. 3
Let the money lent to Anshul be Rs. x

Then, money lent to Rajat = ` (20000 – x)

SI for Anshul = x * 20 * 4/100 = 20x/25

SI for Rajat = (20000 - x) * 24 * 4/100 =

According to the question,
20x/25 - (20000 - x) 24/25 = 864
x = 11400

Amount lent to Rajat = Rs. (20000 – 11400) = Rs. 8600

10. 1;
Speed of the person = 6 km/hr
= 6 * 5/18 = 5/3 m/s
Let the speed of train be x m/s
20 = 280/(x - 5/3)
x - 5/3 = 14
x = 47/3m/s
Now the distance covered by train in 45 minutes.
= 47/3 * 60 * 45 = 42300
Time taken by person to cover the distance
= 42300/(6*5/18) = 25380 sec
25380/(60 * 60) = 7 hours 3 minutes