
Test of The Day

1. Which of the following is a sec-ondary memory device?

(1) Hard Disk Drive
(2) Keyboard
(3) ALU
(4) All of the above
(5) None of these

The answer is option (1)

2. Which of the following registers is used to keep track of address of the memory location where the next instruc-tion is located?
(1) Memory address register
(2) Memory data register
(3) Instruction register
(4) None of these
(5) Program counter

The answer is option (5)

3. The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured 

(1) PROM
(2) RAM
(3) ROM
(5) None of these

The answer is option (3)

4. If the manufacturer gains 10 %, the wholesale dealer 15 % and the retailer 25 %, then find the cost of production of a table if the retail price was Rs 1265.

(1) Rs 750
(2) Rs 800
(3) Rs 850
(4) Rs 900
(5) Rs 700

The answer is option (2)

5. Gopal invested an amount of Rs. 8000 in a fixed deposit scheme for 2 years at compound interest rate 5 p.c.p.a. How much amount will Gopal get on maturity of the fixed deposit

(1) Rs 8820
(2) Rs 8620
(3) Rs 8520
(4) Rs 8420
(5) Rs 8320

The answer is option (1)

6. A 270 metres long train running at the speed of 120 kmph crosses another train running in opposite direction at the speed of 80 kmph in 9 seconds. What is the length of the other train ?

(1) Rs 230
(2) Rs 240
(3) Rs 260
(4) Rs 310
(5) Rs 320

The answer is option (1)

Direction(7-9): In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passageand against each, five words/phrases are suggested one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in each case:

The acceptance of Prof. Rangarajan’s resignation by the government throws into sharp relief three worrying questions. First, it is (7) that the somewhat bellicose Minister of State for Culture and Tourism was unable to entirely grasp the situation. He appears to have assumed that it was simply about reading the riot act to an Indian academic-bureaucrat. His belief presumably was that with a pompous call for an enquiry, the erstwhile director would openly swallow public humiliation, followed (8) a display of grovelling. Prof. Rangarajan, however, is not a mere academic; he is one of the finest scholars of his generation, internationally recognised and unequivocally acknowledged. As a Rhodes scholar, Prof. Rangarajan gained early notice in 1996 following the publication of his monograph Fencing the Forest , considered a substantial contribution to modern Indian history writing. Over the years, through publications and talks, Prof. Rangarajan has been unique in conceptually welding together ideas on wildlife management, conservation science, and environmental history. It is with this rare, brilliant and confident scholarship that the NMML was transformed by him into one of Asia’s most (9) places of learning. For many of us who teach in universities abroad, he was one of the most important intellects to touch base with during visits to India.

(1) offensive
(2) apparent
(3) conclusive
(4) dramatic
(5) sure

The answer is option (2)


(1) at
(2) through
(3) to
(4) by
(5) till

The answer is option (4)


(1) damned
(2) auspicious
(3) favoured
(4) conclusive
(5) respected

The answer is option (5)

Directions (Q.1-5) Some statements are given followed by some conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at varience from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the following conclusions if any, does not follow from the given statements:

10. Statements:
Some banana are apple
Only apple are mango
All kiwi are mango

(i) Some banana are kiwi
(ii) Some banana are mango
(iii) Some kiwi are mango
(1) Only i
(2) Only i and ii
(3) Only iii
(4) Only ii and iii
(5) Only ii

The answer is option (2)

11. Statements:

No monkey is apes
All apes are birds
Some birds are elephants
(i) Some birds not being monkey is a possibility
(ii) Some birds being ape is a possibility
(iii) Some elephants are monkey
(1) Only ii
(2) Only i and ii
(3) Only iii
(4) Only i and iii
(5) Only ii

The answer is option (4)

12. Statements:

Some designs are graphics
All graphics are beautiful
Some beautiful are natural
(i) Some natural being design is a possibility
(ii) Some beautiful are design
(iii) Some design are not beautiful
(1) Only i
(2) Only i and ii
(3) Only iii
(4) Only ii and iii
(5) Only ii

The answer is option (3)

13. Last year on 24th September 2014, ISRO launched the Mars Orbiter Mission and just 2 days befor that a spacecraft, designed by US, named ............... enetered into the Mars orbit.

(4) Martian
(5) Discover

The answer is option (1)

14. The Election Commission (EC) has introduced a symbol for "None of the Above (NOTA)" option to facilitate voters in exercising their NOTA option in elections. The symbol for NOTA option was designed by ................... 

(1) National Instiitute of Design, Chennai
(2) National Institute of Design, Delhi
(3) National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad
(4) National Institute of Technology, Delhi
(5) None of these

The answer is option (3)

15. International Day of Peace has been observed on

(1) 18th September
(2) 19th September
(3) 22nd September
(4) 21st September
(5) 24th September

The answer is option (4)