
Quant Quiz

Directions (Q.1-5): The following questions are accompanied by three statements A, B and C. You have to determine which statement (s) is/are necessary/sufficient to answer the question.

1.Two friends X and Y entered into a partnership. Find the share of X’s profit.
(A) The ratio of the capitals of X and Y is 3 : 5 
(B) X invested his money for two months more than Y.
(C) Y’s share in the total profit is ` 1000 less than the share of X.
1) A and B together
2) A and C together
3) Any two of them
4) All together are necessary
5) All even together are not sufficient

2.Find the monthly expenditure of a person.
(A) His monthly income is ` 2400.
(B) The ratio of his expenditure to his income during the year is 3 : 4
(C) His average monthly saving is ` 600.
1) Only A and B together
2) Only A and C together
3) Only A and C together
4) Any two of them
5) All statements together are required

3.Find the area of a parallelogram.
(A) The ratio of the two adjacent sides is m : n.
(B) The length of the other diagonal is x.
(C) The length of the two adjacent sides are y  and z.
1) Only B and C together
2) Only A and C together
3) All statements together
4) All two of them
5) All statements even together are not sufficient

4.A person travels from X to Y and vice versa. How long will it take to travel both the ways by bus?
(A) It takes 15 hours in travelling from X to Y by train and returning by bus.
(B) The distance between two places is 360 km.
(C) He can save 3 hrs if he travels both the ways by train.
1) A and B together
2) B and C together
3) A and C together
4) Any two of them
5) All statements are required

5.What is the in radius of a right-angled triangle?
(A) The area of the triangle is known.
(B) Any two sides of the triangle are known.
(C) The perimeter of the triangle is known.
1) Only B
2) Only A and C together
3) Any of them
4) Either B alone or A and C together
5) All together are necessary
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following table carefully and answer accordingly:The following table shows the marks obtained by six students in six different subject.Marks within brackets show the total marks.

6.In which of the following subjects did Rishab get the least percentage of marks?
1) Economics
2) Geography
3) Computer
4) Physics
5) None of these

7.What is the average percentage of marks obtained by Shreya?
1) 67.70%
2) 60%
3) 72%
4) 55%
5) None of these

8.Which student has shown the best performance?
1) Geetanjali
2) Arpita
2) Mehra
4) Rishab
5) None of these

9.Find the ratio of the marks obtained by Arpita in Economics to that by  Shreya in Maths.
1) 1 : 4
2) 2 : 5
3) 2 : 3
4) 3 : 4
5) None of these

10.Who has secured 60% marks in Physics?
1) Shreya
2) Arpita
3) Geetanjali
4) Rishab
5) None of these
