
Quant Quiz

Ques.1 During our campaign against child labour we have found that in three glass making factories A, B and C there were total 33 children aged below 18 were involved. The ratio of male to female in A, B and C was 4 : 3, 3 : 2 and 5 : 4 respectively. If the no. of female children working in the factories B and C be equal then find the no. of female children working in factory A?
(a) 5
(b) 2
(c) 8
(d) 6 
(e) None of these
Ques.2 SBI and Airtel entered into a partnership just 5 months ago. The ratio of profit claimed by SBI and Airtel is 6 : 17. If Airtel had just started his business 12 months ago with Rs. 1275, what is the amount contributed by SBI?
(a) Rs.980
(b) Rs.1080
(c) Rs.1200
(d) Rs.998         
(e) None of these

Ques.3 Rs. 4536 is divided among 4 men, 5 women and 2 boys. The ratio of share of a man, a woman and a boy is 7 : 4 : 3. What is the share of a woman?
(e) None of these
Ques.4 A and B are two alloys of copper and tin prepared by mixing the respective metals in the ratio of 5: 3 and 5 : 11 respectively. If the alloys A and B are mixed to form a third alloy C with an equal proportion of copper and tin, what is the ratio of alloys A and B in the new alloy C?
(a) 3 : 5
(b) 4 : 5
(c) 3 : 2
(d) 2 : 3      
(e) None of these

Ques.5 A girl buys 2 pigeons for Rs.182. She sells one at a loss of 5% and another at a profit if 8%. But she neither gains nor loses on the whole. Find the price of pigeon which has sold at a profit?
(a) Rs.112
(b) Rs.85
(c) Rs.70
(d) Can’t be determined  
(e) None of these
Ques.6 Divide Rs.6940 in such a way that A gets 2/3rd of what B gets and B gets 3/5th of what C gets? What is the share of A and B together?
(a) Rs.1982
(b) Rs.1388
(c) Rs.3470
(d) Rs.1340 
(e) None of these

Ques.7 Petrol is 7 times heavy than Kerosene and Castrol Mobil is 18 times as heavy as Kerosene. What should be the ratio of petrol and Mobil in the new mixture to get the mixture which must be 11 times as heavy as kerosene?
(a) 3 : 4
(b) 7 : 4
(c) 9 : 19
(d) 9 : 10  
(e) None of these
Ques. 8 A Student obtained equal marks in History and Sociology. The ratio of marks in Sociology and Geography is 2 : 3 and the ratio of marks in History and Philosophy is 1 : 2. If he has scored an aggregate of 55% marks. The maximum marks in each subject is same. In how many subjects did he score equal to or greater than 60% marks?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 2 or 3   
(e) None of these
Ques.9 The ratio of income of Anil and Mukesh is 2 : 3. The sum of their expenditure is Rs. 8000 and the amount of savings of anil is equal to the amount of expenditure of Mukesh. What is the sum of their savings?
(a) 22000
(b) 4000
(c) 16000
(d) 12000   
(e) None of these
Ques.10 The concentration of petrol in three different mixuture(petrol and kerosene) is 1/2,3/5 and 4/5 respectively. If 2 litres, 3 litres and 1 litre are taken from these three different vessels and mixed. What is the ratio of petrol and Kerosene in the new mixture?
(a) 4 : 5
(b) 3 : 2
(c) 3 : 5
(d) 2 : 3   
(e) None of these