
Quant Quiz

Directions: What value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following questions?

1.?^(0.8)/64 = 343/?^(2.2)
1) 24 
2) 28 
3) 22 
4) 20 
5) 26

2. 250% of 3458 + 162% of 1450 = ?
1) 11994 
2) 14995 
3) 12994 
4) 10984 
5) 10994

3. 145 × 69 × 252 × 348 = ? × 6480
1) 135401 
2) 136401 
3) 135501 
4) 24591 
5) 23581

4. 11 1/13 + 31/39 + 2 1/13 + 41/39 = ?
1) 15 
2) 13 
3) 12 
4) 16 
5) 14

5. 144 × 158 × 164 = ? × 16 × 9 × 8
1) 3039 
2) 3139 
3) 3439 
4) 3239 
5) 3539

Directions: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below:

Profit percent made by two companies X and Y over the years.

6. The incomes of two Companies X and Y in 2000 were in the ratio of 3:4 respectively. What was the respective ratio of their expenditures in 2000 ?
1) 7 : 22 
2) 14 : 19 
3) 15 : 22
4) 27 : 35 
5) 30 : 42

7. If the expenditure of Company Y in 1997 was Rs. 220 crores, what was its income in 1997 ?
1) 312 crore 
2) 297 crore 
3) 283 crore 
4) 300 crore 
5) 420 crore

8. If the expenditures of Company X and Y in 1996 were equal and the total income of the two Companies in 1996 was Rs. 342 crores, what was the total profit of the two Companies together in 1996 ? 
1) 240 crore
2) 170 crore
3) 120 crore.
4) 102 crore
5) 200 crore

9. The expenditure of Company X in the year 1998 was Rs. 200 crores and the income of company X in 1998 was the same as its expenditure in 2001. The income of Company X in 2001 was ?
1) 465 crore
2) 385 crore
3) 320 crore
4) 410 crore
5) 395 crore

10. If the incomes of two Comapanies were equal in 1999, then what was the ratio of expenditure of Company X to that of Company Y in 1999 ?
1) 4 : 5 
2) 7 : 8 
3) 11 : 6 
4) 16 : 15
5) Cannot be determined


1. 2
?^3 = 343 × 64
? = 28

2. 5
? = (250×3458 + 162×1450)/100
= (864500 + 234900)/100
= 10994

3. 1
? = (145×69×252×348)/ 6480
= 135401

4. 1
? = 144/13 + 31/39 + 27/13 + 41/39
= (432 + 31+ 81+ 41)/39 = 15

5. 4
? = (144×158×164)/16×9×8 = 3239

Profit = Income - Expenditure

%Profit = (Income - Expenditure) x 100 / Expenditure

6. 3

7. 2

8. 4

9. 1 

10. 4