

Syllabus for Written Examination conducting by UPPSC for Medical Officer (Ayurved) Check Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Medical Officer (Ayurved Chikitsa Shiksha Seva) Screening Test Latest Scheme & Syllabus
UPSC Exam Syllabus 2015
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is going to conduct a Screening Test (Written) for recruitment to the posts of Medical Officer, U.P. Ayurved Chikitsa Shiksha Seva.

As we all know, as time is running out the level of competition is increasing rapidly. It is very hard to chase a competitive examination without proper knowledge of its pattern/scheme and syllabus. Candidates who are ignoramus facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare” to give their best in their exams. That’s why candidates are too anxious and stressed about their preparation of the Examination. But, nothing about to worry just get the prescribed exam pattern & syllabi from here for your better preparation. Now, here we are providing the latest prescribed Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Exam conducting by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC).
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for UPPSC MO (Ayurved) Written test is as Follows :-
► Written Exam will be multiple choice objective type.
► The question paper will contain 150 marks.
► 120 questions will be from related subjects and 30 questions from General Studies.
► The time duration will be 02:00 Hours (120 Minutes).
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for UPPSC Medical Officer (Ayurved) Screening Test is given below :-
1 Samhita and Siddhanta (Basic Principles) :
Charak Samhita (Complete), Astang 1-Hridaya (Sutra sthan), Ayurveda Nirupana, Lakshana, Siddhanta, the portion related to history of Ayurveda of Samhita and Siddhanta, Parikshal Pramaria, Shada Padartha, Kiryakaranavad, Tantrayukti, AYUSH, Central Council of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS), Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), National Ayush Mission, which was Started from 2014-15. Work Health Organization (WHO), Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia Commission, National Medicinal Plants Boards, Traditional Knowledge of digital Library (TKDL), Drug & Cosmetic Act, National and International Journals of Ayurveda.
2 Rachna Sharir :
Shariropakrama, Abhinvritti sharir, (Developmental anatomy), garbha sharir (Embryology), Pramana Sharir- angull and anjali pramana, asthi sharir (osteology)- Surgical importance of each bone, Sandhi sharir (Syndermology) – surgical importance of joints, Sira, dhamani, srotas sharir (angiology), lasika sansthana (Lymphatic system), Peshi sharir (Myology) — origin , insertion , nerve supply action and importance, paribhasha sharir, koshtha and asya sharir, granthi sharir, kala and teak sharir, (Dermatology), uttamangiya nadi sansthana sharir, tantra sharir, marma sharir- applied aspect, Anga rekhankana sharir ( Surface anatomy), Indriya Vigyan sharir.
3 Kriya Sharir :
Inter relation between panchmahabhoota and tridosha, divisions of VATA, PITTA and KAPHA, seats and functions, symptoms of kshya and vridhi of doshas, kriya kala Classification of Ahar, Pachan and dhatu poshan krama, functions of dhaus, symptoms of kshya and vridhi, vyadhi ksahmatva, types of agni, classification , importance of agni, interrelation among jatharagni, bhutagni and dhatavagnl, agni avastha, formation of malas in the body, kinds, seats and their functions, symptoms of kshaya and vridhi of malas, corn position of blood according to mode(n physiology, knowledge of blood examination A B O blood groups, examination of urine according to modern science, requirement of vitamins in the body, symptoms of hypo and hyper vitaminsation and diseases occurring due to them.
4 Drayaguna :
Padartha of dravya guna vigyan, dravya, its classification, knowledge of gurvadi guna and pradi guna, knowledge of rasa, its number and uses, rasa and anurasa bheda definition of vipaka and its types, definition of virya , swarupa and number difference between veerya and guna, definition, effects of prabhava difference between veerya and prabhava, ideal drug, anupana method of collection preserrIon of drugs, knowledge of nighantus especially Dhanwantri, Rajnlghantu and bhava praksha nighantu. Knowledge of principles of general pharmacology, definition, nature and types of karmas with examples, Botanical name , important synonyms habit , habitat and source, parts used, clinical indicatiot , important formulation and doses of Dravyas.
5 Ras Shastra and Bhalshajya kalpna :
Applied aspects of yantra and its uses, Applied aspects of koshthi, Applied aspects of putas, use of muffle furnace, classification of mercury, purification, sagandha nad nirgandha murchna, Applied aspects of maharasa and its classification, purification and incineration, classification of uprasa and its indications and contraindications, classification of sadharan rasa and its importance, classification of dahtu, updahtu, classification of ratna upratna and its detail, classification of visha and upvisha , its purification indications and contraindications, detail knowledge of Rasa Ratna samuchhaya and sharangdhar samhita, Aushadha evam Prasadhan Adhinlyama (Drug and Cosmetic Act 1940 and Rules 1945), General Knowledge of useful instructions, Comparative study of Mana, Aushadha Matra, Anupana Aushadha Sevan Kala, Kashaya Yoni- Panch vidh Kashya Kalpana, Aushadhiyo ki doses and Ghatak Dravya, Sneha Kalpana, Sandhan Kalpana, Pathya Kalparia, Bahya Kalpana (Formulations used for External Applications), Netra Kalpana, Nasya Kalpana, Mukha Kalpana,Dhumapana Kalpana, Vasti Kalpana,Brief Introduction of Ointment Creams, Gels, Lotion, Shampoos, Soaps, Liniments.
6 Agada Tathra :
General knowledge about Indian Medicine Act 1939 and Centrai Council of Indian Medicine Act 1970. Definition  of Agad tantra and Vyavhar Avurved and knowledge of vidhi vaidyak. definition of Visha and Upvisha and its different kinds, knowledge of jangam, dushivisha , Garvishi.and Miniral poisons, knowledge of Medicolegal aspects in respect of death, injuries, domest; violence, sexuil offences, Physicians responsibilities in criminal matters, negligence/ MTP and Code of conduct for Physicians and medical Ethics.
7 Rog nidana
Science of dosha and dushya, science of diseases, nidan panchak, science of different types of examination and praman, diseases of ras vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of rakt vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of mans vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of medo vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of asthi vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of shukra vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of pran vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of anna vaha srotas vitiation diseases of udak vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of mootra vaha srotas vitiation diseases of swed vaha srotas, vitiation diseases of mano vaha srotas vitiation, contagious diseases, krimi roga, examination of blood, urine, sputum, semen, clinical examination methods.
8 Swasth Vritta :
Definitions of Swastha, Swasthavritta Dimentios of well being health, Dincharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritta, General Introduction about Yoga, Trayopstambhas Aahar, Nidra, Brahamcharya,  Lifestyle and lifestyle disorders, Dharniya and Adharniya vegas, Janapadopadhwamsa Occupational Heath, Disaster Management, Epidemiology, Disposal of Dead body, Hospital Building sanitation & Ventilation.
9 Kaya Chiktsa :
Chiktsa chtushpada, sadaupkrama, deepana pachna langhanadi kriya, samshodhan sanshamn, nidana parivarjna, pathyapathya and anupanam applied knowledge of prakriti and vikratl, examination of patient and disease, sadhyta isadhyta, rasayna and vajikarna, diagnosis of treatment of major medical diseases knowledge of important herbal and metallic drugs, Ayurvedic management of major modern diseases, special features of Ayurvedlc approach to treat the diseases, , recent advances in Ayurvedic medicine.
10 Shalya Tantra :
Description of yantrta, shastra and anuyantra, nirjantuukaran (sterilization), sarigyaharan (anesthesia), kshar and kshar karra, kshara sutra and its application In piles and fistula, agni karma, rakat mokshna, vrana —vrana shotha examination, mansa-snaVU- twak- dhamani, sira- manya vikara, bhagna (fracture), sadhimoksha (Joint dislocation), udara vikara, amasya vikara antra vkar, uduk puccha, (appendictis) Antrachuti (hernia) Different mutra roga including renal stone, prostate and phimosis with carcinoma of penis
11 Shalakya tantra :
Introduction — netra rachna shareer eye examination, classification of netra roga, kriya kalap and sterilization with general treatment, eye diseases, sandhigata roga, vartamgat roga, shukalgata roga, saravgata roga, drishtigata roga with modern study, community ophthalmology, eye donation, corneal transplantation, shiro rogam anatomy of ear, diseases and examination, nasa roga, diseases of mukha, dant and dant moola, diseseas of jivham karitha and sarvasar.
12 Parsuti tantra and stri roga :
Artava abnormalities, yoni vyapada and modern correlation, semenology, sterility disease and treatment, uterine po;yp, uterine fibroid (bemign and malignant) pelvic infection, menopause, breast abcess, mastitis etc. surgical procedures in gynecological problems, female surgical sterilization, family planning, reproduction and child health care, HIV/ AIDS programme, menstruation and menstrual life style, method of conception nutrition of of foetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, foetal membrane, foetal science, punsavana sanskara, ante natal care, foetal abnormalities, problems of pregnancy, systemic disorders during pregnancy, pregnancy induced disordersm normal labour, problem of labour, prolonged labour, perpurlum, perpurial disorders, phermacotherapeutics of drugs used In obstrectic emergencies, PNDT act and MTP act.
13 Kaumarbhritya :
General Introduction, classification of age, Importance of kashyap samhita in kaumarbhritya, navajat shishu paricharya, (Neonatal care), prana pratyagaman, (Neonatal rersuscila) navjat shishu parlksha, (examination of new born), nursery, nutritional aspects, drug doses In pediatrics, special therapeutic procedures in children like panchkarma. birth injuries, congenital disorders, disorders due to vitiated milk, malnutrition diseases in children, infectious diseases, srtasta vikara, miscellaneous pediatrician disorders, behavior disorders in children, pediatric emergency management, balagraha, various ayurvedic and modern procedures and in ayurvedic pediatric practices.
14 Panchkarma :
Samshodna and sanshaman therapy, scientific evaluation of panchkarma, purva kaimas snehan, swedan, langhana, Pradhan karma- vaman virechana, asthapana, anuvasana and nasya, their importance, methodology, indication, contra indications and their management. Paschat karma–samsarjan karma, methodology in different karmas specially in varnan virechna, Kerhy’ pintthkarma. importanec ir present day; importance of panchkarma in life style iisokr. irnt)or(ance of panctlka!lna in mode in society, different karma and their important practices in different diseases.
Part-II (General Studies)
(1) History of India and Indian National movement :- In History of India, emphasis should be on broad undeistanding of social, economic and political aspects of Indian history. In the Indian National movement, the candidates are expected to have synoptic view of the freedom movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence.
(2) Indian and World Geography- Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World :- Questions on the Geography of India will relate to Physical, Social & Economic Geography of India . In World Geography only general understanding of the subject will be expected.
(3) Indian Polity and Governance, Constitution Political system, Panchayati Raj & Public Policy, Rights – issues etc :- In Indian polity and Governance questions will test knowledge of country’s constitution, political- system including Panchayati Raj and Community Development.
(4) Indian Economy and Social Development :-The candidates will be tested with respect to problems and relationship between population, Environment, Urbanization, broad features of economic policy in India and Indian Culture.
(5) Current Events of National and International Importance :- This will also include questions on Games & Sports.
(6) Indian Agriculture :- The candidates will be expected to have general understanding of agriculture in India, agricultural produce and its marketing.
(7) General Science :- Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a well educated person, who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. This will also include questions on role of science and technology in the development of India.
(8) Elementary Mathematics up to class 10th level :- Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry.

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