
Quant Quiz

1.The average age of four boys, five years ago was 9 years. On including a new boy. The present average age of all the five is 15 years. The present age of the new boy is
(1) 14 years
(2) 6 years
(3) 15 years
(4) 19 years
(5) None of these 

2.If the average of 39, 48, 51, 63, 75, 83, x and 69 is 60, then the value of x is
(1) 52
(2) 53
(3) 50
(4) 51
(5) None of these 

3.The cost of a piece of diamond varies with the square of its weight. A diamond of Rs. 5,184 value is cut into 3 pieces whose weights are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. Find the loss involved in the cutting.
(1) Rs. 3,068
(2) Rs. 3,088
(3) Rs. 3,175
(4) Rs. 3,168
(5) None of these 

4.A discount of 30% on the marked price of toy reduces its selling price by Rs. 30. What is the new selling price (in Rs.)?
(1) 70
(2) 21
(3) 130
(4) 100
(5) None of these 

5.The capacities of two hemispherical vessels are 6.4 litres and 21.6 litres. The ratio of their inner radii is
(1) 4 : 9
(2) 16 : 81
(3) √2:√3
(4) 2 : 3
(5) None of these 

6.Pipe A alone can fill a tank in 8 hours. Pipe B alone can fill it in 6 hours. If both the pipes are opened and after 2 hours pipe A is closed, then the other pipe will fill the tank in
(1) 6 hours
(2) 3.5 hours
(3) 4 hours
(4) 2.5 hours
(5) None of these 

7.The population of a town is 15000. If the number of males increase by 8%  and that of females by 10%, then the population would increase to 16300. Find the number of females in the town.
(1) 4000
(2) 6000
(3) 3000
(4) 5000
(5) None of these 

8.If Rs. 5,000 becomes Rs. 5,700 in a year’s time, what will Rs. 7,000 become at the end of 5 years at the same rate of simple interest?
(1)Rs. 10,500
(2)Rs. 11,900
(3)Rs. 12,700
(4)Rs. 7,700
(5) None of these 

9.A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 m. the thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km and 11 km per hour respectively. The distance (in metres) between them after 6 minutes is
(1) 190
(2) 200
(3) 100
(4) 150
(5) None of these 

10.‘A’ sells an article to ‘B’ at a profit of 20% and ‘B’ sells it to ‘C’ at a profit of 25%. If ‘C’ pays Rs 1200, the cost price of article originally (in Rs.) is
(1) 700
(2) 600
(3) 1,000
(4) 800
(5) None of these 

Answers with Explanation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!