

Assam PSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus 2015 APSC Syllabus of AE (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil) Written Test 2015 Check Latest Assam PSC Assistant Engineer under Irrigation Dept Scheme Exam/Pattern & Syllabus
APSC Exam Syllabus 2015
Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) will conduct a Screening Test for recruitment to the vacant posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical) under Irrigation Department, Government of Assam. Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. So, Candidates are too much worry regards their preparations to give their best in the Exam. So Candidates must be know that “What to prepare” and “How to prepare” for the best in their Exams. Now, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Assistant Engineer Written Exam conducting by APSC.
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for the APSC Assistant Engineer Written Exam is as Follows:-
► The Written Exam will be Multiple Choice Objective Type.

► There will be total two papers in written exam.

PapersSubjectsMax. MarksTime Duration
Paper-IGeneral Studies20002:00 Hours
Paper-IIEngineering (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical)10001:30 Hours
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for Assistant Engineer written Exam is given below:-
 P A P E R – I “
General Studies :-
(i) Current Events of National & International importance.

(ii) History of India & History of Assam.
(iii) World Geography including India & Assam.
(iv) Indian Economy, Indian National Movement.
(v) Mental Ability.
(vi) role and Impact of Science and Technology in India.
(vii) Indian Polity, Political System in India.
(viii) Indian Culture & Literature.

 P A P E R – I I “
Statics : Coplanar and multi planer system free body diagrams, centroid second moment of plane figure force and funicular polygons, principle of virtual work suspension systems and centenary.
Dynamics : Units and dimensions, Gravitational and absolute system, MKS & S.I. Unit.
Kinematics : Rectilinear and Curvilinear motion, Relative motion, Instantaneous centre.
Kinetics : Mass moment of inertia, simple harmonic motion, momentum and impulse equations of motion of rigid body rotating about a fixed axis.
Strength of Materials : Homogenous and isotropic media, stress and strain elastic constants, tension and compression in one direction riveted and welted joints.

Compound stresses : Principal stresses and principal strains, simple theories of failure.
Bending moments and shear forced diagrams. Theory of bending, shear stresses distribution in cross section of beams, deflection of beams.
Analysis of laminated beams and non-prismatic structures.
Theories of columns, middle-third and middle-fourth rules.
three pinned arch analysis of simple frames, Torsion of shafts combined bending direct and torisonal stresses in shafts.
Strain energy in elastic deformation, impact fatigue and creep.

Soil Mechanics : Origin of soils, classification void ration, moisture content permeability; compaction.

Seepage; Construction of flow nets, Determination of shear strength parameters for different drainage and stress conditions-Triaxial, unconfined and direct shear tests.
Earth pressure theories – Rankin’s and Coulomb’s analytical and graphical methods, stability of slops.
Soil consolidation – Terzaghi’s theory for one dimensional consolidation, rate of settlement and ultimate settlement, effective stress pressure distribution in soils, soil stabilization. Foundations – Bearing capacity of footings, Piles, Wells, Sheets piles.

Fluid Mechanics : Properties of fluids.

Fluid Statics — Pressure at a points force on plane and curved surface, buoyancy stability of floating and submerged bodies. dynamics of fluid flow. Laminar and turbulent flow, equation of continuity energy and momentum equation. Bernoulli’s theorem. cavitations. Velocity, potential and steam functions, rotational, irrotational flow, vortices, flow net, Fluid flow measurement.
Dimensional analysis: Units and dimensions – non-dimensional numbers. Buckingham’s pi—theorem. principles of similitude and application.
Viscous flow: Flow between static plate and circular tubes boundary layer concepts: drag and lift.
incompressible flow through pipe: Laminar and turbulent flow. critical velocity. friction loses, loss due to sudden enlargement and contraction energy grade lines.
Open Channel flow — Uniform and non-uniform flows, specific energy and critical depth. gradually varied flow furface profiles. standing wave flume, surges and waves.

Surveying : General principles, sign convention surveying instruments and their adjustment. recording of survey observations, plotting of maps and sections. errors and their adjustments. Measurement of distances, directions and heights, correction to measure length and barring, correction for local attractions, measurement of horizontal and vertical angles. leveling operations, refraction and curvature corrections. Chain and compass survey, therdolite and tachometric traversing, traverse computation; plane table survey. solution of two and three points problems, contour surveying. setting out direction and grades & type of curves, setting out of curves and excavation lines for building foundations.
Statics : Simple application of equilibrium equations.
Dynamics : Simple applications of equations of motion, simple harmonic motion, work energy, power.
Theory of Machines : Simple examples of links and mechanism, Classification of gears, standard gear tooth profiles wheel types of governors, static(s) and dynamic balancing, Simple examples of vibration of bars, Whirling of shafts.
Mechanics of Solids : Stress, strain. Hook’s Law, elastic module, bending moments and shearing force diagrams for beams. Simple bending and torsion of beams. Spring, Thin walled cylinders, Mechanical properties and material testing.
Science : cutting, tool materials. Basic, machining processes, types of machine tools, transfer lines. Shearing drawing spinning, rolling forging extrusion, Different types of casting and welding methods.
Production Management(s) : Method and time study, motion, economy and work space design, operation and flow process charts, Product design and const selection of manufacturing process, Break even analysis, Site Selection of equipment for job. Shop and Mass production, Dulling dispatching, Routing.
Thermodynamics : Heat. work and temperature, First and Second Laws of thermodynamics Carnot Rankin, Otto and Diesel-Cycles.
Fluid Mechanics : Hydrostatics. Continuity equation. Bernoulli’s theorem, Flow through pipes. Discharge measurement, Laminar and Turbulent flow, Concept of boundary layer.
Heat Transfer : One dimensional steady. state conduction through walls and cylinders. Fins Concepts of thermal boundary layer. Heat transfer coefficient. Combined heat transfer, Coefficient, Heat ex- exchangers
Energy Conversion : Compression and spark ignition engineers. Compressors. Fans and Blowers. Hydraulic pumps and turbines, Thermal turbo machines, Boilers. Flow of steam through nozzles. Layout of power plants.
Environmental Control : Refrigeration cycles, refrigeration equipment, its operation and maintenance. Important refrigerants, Psychometrics comfort, Cooling and dehumidification.
Primary and Secondary cell, Dry-accumulators, Solar Cells, Steady state analysis of D.C. and A.C. Network, Network Theorems, Network functions, Laplace techniques, transient response, frequency response, there-phase network, inductively couple circuits.
Mathematical modeling of dynamic linear systems, transfer functions, block diagrams, stability of control systems.
Electrostatic and magneto static field analysis. Maxwell’s equations, Wave equations and electromagnetic waves.
Basic methods of measurements, standards, error analysis, indicating instruments, cathode-ray oscilloscope. measurement of voltage. current, power resistance, inductance. capacitance, frequency, time, and flux, electronic motors.
Vacuum based and Semiconductor devices and analysis of electronic circuits, single and multistage audio and radio, small signal and large signal amplifiers, oscillators and feedback amplifiers. wave shaping circuits and time base generators, multivibrators and digital circuits, modulation and demodulation circuits. Transmission line at audio, radio and U.H. frequencies. Wire and Radio Communication.
Generation of e.m.f and torque in rotation machine. motor and generator characteristics os d.c. synchronous and induction machines. equivalent circuits, commutation starters, phaser diagram, losses, regulation, power transformers.
Modeling of transmission lines, steady, state and transient stability, surge phenomena and insulation coordination, protective devices and schemes for power system equipment.
Conversion of a.c. to d.c. and d.c. to a.c., controlled and uncontrolled power, speed control techniques for drives.
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