
Reasoning Quiz

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions.

In a certain code language ‘some experts always give right advice’ is written as ‘fa do me re sa la’, ‘advice always very good’ is written as ‘cha re fa ta’, ‘seniors always give suggestion’ is written as ‘ma la hpo fa’, ‘experts person are good’ is written as ‘clip cha sa den’, and ‘seniors are very right’ is written as ‘ta hpo clip do’.

1. What is the code for ‘advice’?
1) fa 
2) do 
3) me 
4) re 
5) either ‘fa’ or ‘re’

2. What does ‘ta’ stand for?
1) right 
2) are 
3) very 
4) advice 
5) Can’t be determined

3. Which of the following is code for ‘some suggestions are good’?
1) le sa cha ma 
2) fa sa cip me 
3) ma me clip cha 
4) cha cip ta do 
5) None of these

4. Which of the following may represent ‘experts are very decesive’?
1) fa sa cha hpo 
2) cip ta sa ja 
3) cha cip sa la 
4) sa ta clip mi 
5) None of these

5.  ‘do fa den clip’ could be a code for which of the following?
1) person are always right 
2) right person are expert 
3) experts are always advice
4) advice are always good 
5) None of these

Directions (6-10): Read the following information carefully to answer the question given below.

Seven Friends—Amit, Babita, Chetna, Deepak, Eti, Rythem and Kavita are from different places such as—Meghalaya, Kashmir, Bihar, Shimla, Shilong, Jammu and Maharashtra (but not in the same order). Each of them are in three different colleges X, Y, Z. At least two friends are studying in the same college. Rest of the information is given below:
(a) Deepak is from Bihar and studies in college X.
(b) Eti is from Shimla but does not study in college X.
(c) Rythem is from Shilong and studies in college Y with only Babita.
(d) Amit is neither from college X and nor from Kashmir.
(e) Kavita is from Jammu but does not study in college X.
(f) In college X, there is no student from Meghalaya or Kashmir.

6. The group of friends studying in college Z is-
1) Amit, Eti, Kavita 
2) Babita, Chetna, Rhythem 
3) Babita, Chetna
4) Amit, Rythem, Kavita 
5) None of these

7. Amit is in which college?
1) X 
2) Y 
3) Z
4) Either X or Y 
5) Can’t be determined

8. Which of the following is not correct?
1) Amit–Meghalaya–Z 
2) Eti–Shimla–Z 
3) Rythem–Shilong–Y
4) Chetna–Meghalaya–Z 
5) None of these

9. Babita is from which place?
1) Meghalaya 
2) Kashmir 
3) Jammu
4) Shilong 
5) None of these

10. Who belongs to Meghalaya?
1) Amit
2) Chetna 
3) Babita
4) Can’t be determined 
5) None of These

Directions (11-15): A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: who is 30 beyond then 06 but tailer the 38

Step I: the 38 who is 30 beyond then 06 but tailer
Step II: the 38 is 30 who beyond then 06 but tailer
Step III: the 38 is 30 then 06 who beyond but tailer
Step IV: the 38 is 30 then 06 who tailer beyond but
Step V: the 38 is 30 then 06 who tailer but beyond
Step V is the last step of the above input

As per rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: “doing any notice loss than 50 ask major than 30 note error 40.”

11. Output: than 50 error 40 than 30 notice doing any loss ask major note
Above output is which of the following step?
1) Step III 
2) Step IV 
3) Step V 
4) Step VI 
5) None of these

12. What is the position of ‘loss’ in step VI?
1) Second from right 
2) Seventh from right 
3) Seventh from left 
4) Second from left 
5) None of these

13. Which of the following will be step III?
1) than 50 error 40 doing any notice loss ask major than 30 note
2) than 50 error 40 than 30 doing any notice loss ask major note
3) than 50 error 40 than 30 any notice doing loss ask major note
4) than 50 error 40 than 30 doing notice any loss ask major note
5) None of these

14. How many steps are required to complete this arrangement?
1) Eight 
2) Seven 
3) Six 
4) Five 
5) None of these

15. What is the position of ‘30’ in step III.
1) Fifth from the left 
2) Fifth from the right 
3) Sixth from the left
4) Sixth from the right 
5) None of these

Solutions (1-5):

are – clip
seniors – hpo
very – ta
right – do
good – cha
expert – sa
person – den
always – fa
advice – re
give – la
suggestion – ma
some - me
1. (4)
2. (3)
3. (3)
4. (4)
5. (1)

Solutions (6-10):

6. (1)
7. (3)
8. (4)
9. (2)
10. (1)

Solutions (11-15):

Words attached with numbers are arranged according to the decreasing order of numbers along with attached words. Rest of the words are then arranged in descending order.

Input: doing any notice loss than 50 ask major than 30 note error 40
Step I: than 50 doing any notice loss ask major than 30 note error 40
Step II: than 50 error 40 doing any notice loss ask major than 30 note
Step III: than 50 error 40 than 30 doing any notice loss ask major note
Step IV: than 50 error 40 than 30 notice doing any loss ask major note
Step V: than 50 error 40 than 30 notice note doing any loss ask major
Step VI: than 50 error 40 than 30 notice note major doing any loss ask
Step VII: than 50 error 40 than 30 notice note major loss doing any ask
Step VIII: than 50 error 40 than 30 notice note major loss doing ask any

11. (2)
12. (1)
13. (2)
14. (1)
15. (3)

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