

Latest Scheme & Syllabus of UKPSC Computer Staff Exam-2014 Uttarakhand PSC Exam Pattern & Syllabus for System Analyst, Programmer, Programming Assistant Console Operator & Data Entry Operator Written Aptitude Test 2015
UKPSC Exam Syllabus 2015
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) will conduct an Aptitude Test (written) for recruitment to the posts of System Analyst, Programmer, Assistant Programmer, Programming Assistant Console Operator & Data Entry Operator. Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. That’s why candidates are too scared and stressed about their preparation of the Examination Students facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare”. So, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of UKPSC Computer Staff Exam.
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for the UKPSC Computer Staff Exam is as Follows:-
Sr. No.PostQuestionsMarks
1.System Analyst200400
3.Assistant Programmer200400
4.Programming Assistant/Console Operator200200
5.Data Entry Operator200200
► The Aptitude Test written will be multiple choice objective type.
► The time duration test will be 03:00 hours (180 minutes).
► There will also be an Interview of 50 marks for System Analyst, Programmer and Practical Test (qualifying nature) for Programming Assistant/Console Operator and Data Entry Operator.

Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for UKPSC Computer Staff written Exam is given below :-
S Y S T E M  A N A L Y S T
Note : Question Paper will comprise of 200 questions of multiple choice. Each section will carry 20 questions. The question paper will carry 400 marks and will be of 3 hours duration. All questions will carry equal marks. The written examination will be followed by interview of 50 marks.
Computer Fundamentals : Definition of an Electronic Digital Computer, History, Generations, Characteristics, and applications of computers, Classification of computers. Elements of Computer Processing System, Hardware, CPU, Peripherals, Storage Media, Software definition, its role and categories, Firmware and Human-ware.
Information Concept & Processing : Data concepts and Data Processing, Data Representation Number System, Definition of Information, Need of Information, Quality of Information, Value of Information, Categories and Levels of Information in Business Organization.
Programming Language Classification : Computer Languages, Generation of Languages, Translators-Interpreters, Compilers, Assemblers, Introduction to 4G Languages.

Computer Organization : General organization of a digital computer, functional blocks, data representation, fixed and floating point decimal arithmetic, bit slice microprocessor (introduction), Adders & its types, Generators & its types, multiplication and division circuits, an arithmetic unit, Instruction cycle, Instruction sequencing, formats and its interpretation, micro program concepts and control unit design.
Semiconductor memory and memory organization, virtual memory, segments, pages, paged segments, cache memory and interleaved memory.
Concepts of I/O organization, data transfer methods, programmed I/O, DMA, interrupt-based transfer, I/O channels, I/O processors, serial transmission and synchronization.
Introduction to assembly level programming – concepts of assemblers, macros, linkers, and loaders, linking loaders.
Multiprogramming and time-sharing, introduction to advanced computer architecture (pipelining, array processors & multiprocessors).
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates : Boolean algebra basics, Boolean algebra theorems, reduction of logic expressions using Boolean algebra, Truth tables, SOP and POS forms. Standard SOP and POS forms.
Basic and universal logic gates, control aspect of gates, enabling and disabling of gates. K map representation of logical functions, simplification of logic functions using K-maps. Combinational Logic Circuits and Sequential Circuits.
Systems Programming : Fundamentals, Editors, loaders, linkers, assemblers, phases of a compiler and their function, lexical analyzers and parsers, parsing techniques, symbol table, code generation.

System Concepts : Definition, integrated system, sub system, modules, characteristics/objectives/types of systems, Introduction to Software engineering, Importance of Software, role of Software, Software characteristics, Software Components, Software Applications, Software Crisis, Software engineering problems, Software Development Life Cycle, Software Process.
Software Requirement Specification : Analysis Principle, Water Fall Model, The Incremental Model, Prototyping, Spiral Model, Role of management in software development, Role of metrics and Measurement, Problem analysis, Requirement specification. Monitoring and Control.
Software-Design : Design principles, problem partitioning, abstraction, top down and bottom up specifications and verification, Monitoring and control, Cohesiveness, coupling, Fourth generation techniques, Functional independence, Software Architecture, Transaction and Transform Mapping, Component-Level Design. Coding: Top-Down and Bottom- up programming, structured programming, information, hiding, programming style and internal documentation.
Testing : Testing principles, levels of testing, functional testing, and structural testing, test plan, test case specification, reliability assessment, software testing strategies, Verification & validation, Unit testing, Integration Testing, Alpha & Beta testing, system testing and debugging.
Software Project Management : The Management spectrum, cost estimation, project scheduling, staffing, Software configuration management, quality assurance, project monitoring, risk management. Software quality.
Reliability : Reliability issues, Reliability metrics, Reliability growth modeling.

Data Structure : Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure operation Algorithm Complexity and Time-Space Trade-off, Array Definition, Representation and Analysis, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, address calculation, application of arrays, Array as Parameters. Ordered List, Sparse Matrices, and Vectors, representation and Implementation of Singly lists, Two-way Header list, Traversing and Searching of Linked List, Overflow and Underflow, Insertion and deletion to / from Linked Lists, Insertion and deletion Algorithms, Doubly linked list, Linked List in Array, Polynomial representation and addition, Generalized linked list, Garbage Collection and Compaction.
Stacks, Queues and Recursion : Array Representation and Implementation of stack, operations on stacks: Push & Pop, Linked Representation of Stack, operations Associated with stacks, Application of stack, Array and Linked representation and implementation of queues, Operations on queue: Create, add, Delete, Full and Empty. Circular queue, De-que and Priority Queue, Recursive definition and processes, recursion , example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem, simulating recursion Backtracking recursive algorithms, Principles of recursion, tail recursion, removal of recursion.
Trees : Basic terminology, Binary tree representation, Algebraic Expressions, Complete Binary Tree, Extended Binary Tree, Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary tree, Threaded Binary trees. Traversing Threaded Binary trees, Huffman algorithm. Searching and Hashing: Sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis, Hash Table, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution Strategies, Hash Table Implementation. Searching and Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sorting, Quick Sort, Two way Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Sorting on Different Keys, Practical consideration for Internal Sorting. Binary Search Trees: Binary Search Tree (BST) Insertion and Deletion in BST, Complexity of Search Algorithm, Path Length, AVL Trees, B-Trees.
Algorithms : Analysis of algorithms, Growth of Functions, Master’s Theorem, Designing of Algorithms. Sorting and order Statistics: Heap sort, Quick sort, Sorting in Linear time.
Design and Analysis : Design issues, Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques: Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms, Amortized Analysis, Back Tracking.

Operating System : Functions, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, & multitasking, process: process description, process states, process control, threads, memory management, virtual memory, paging, fragmentation, concurrent processing: Mutual exclusion, critical regions, lock & unlock. Scheduling: CPU scheduling, I/O scheduling, Scheduling algorithms, Deadlock: avoidance & prevention; UNIX: structure & commands of UNIX, interfacing with UNIX, editors & compilers for UNIX, LEX & YACC, File system, System calls, Filters, Shell programming.
Distributed Systems : Introduction to H/W and S/W concepts in distributed systems, network operating systems and NFS, NFS architecture and protocol, distributed file systems.
Information Storage & Management : Complexity of Information Management-Proliferation of Data, Data Center Evolution, Managing Complexity, I/O and the five pillars of technology, Storage Infrastructure, Evolution of Storage. Storage Systems Architecture: Modern Storage Systems, Storage Systems, Intelligent Disk Subsystems, Physical Disks , Back End ,Cache ,Front End , Host Environment.

Database definition, Data independence, Architecture for a Database system. Storage structures, possible representations for sample data, Data structures and corresponding operators. Relational approach, Hierarchical approach, Network approach.
Relational Data structure, Relations, Domains and attributes, Keys, Extensions and Intentions, Relational Algebra, Traditional set operations, Attribute-names for derived relations, Special Relational operations, Relational calculus.
Normalizations of relations. Normal forms, functional dependence, 1 NF, 2 NF and 3 NF, Further Normalization.
SQL, Query and optimizer, Decomposition of relation scheme.
Security, Concurrent operations on Databases, Recovery, Distributed Data base machines, comparisons of database systems.

Basic concepts of data communication system : Communication channel and their characteristics.
Modeling of Information sources : Measure of information, source coding techniques like Huffman code, Block Code & Cyclic Redundancy codes. Modulation: its need, its various types. Analog to Digital Communication, Digital to Analog Communication.
Computer Network : Definition, Goals and Applications, Networks structure and architecture, OSI reference model, services, topology, transmission media, Switching, Multiplexing, Client-Server model, IEEE standards, FDDI, TCP/IP Model, Integrated services digital networks, Multipoint Protocol Layer Switching (MPLS).
Physical Layer and basic functions, Data Link Layer functions, DLL Sublayers -MAC Sublayer, LLC Sub layer and its various protocols.
Network Layer: its functions, routing algorithms, congestion control algorithms, internetworking, IP addressing, Subnetting, IPv4.
Transport Layer and its Protocols. Application layer and its various protocols, compression Techniques, IPv6 , DNS System.
Security : Security Concepts- Attacks, Services & Mechanisms, Conventional Encryption: Classical Techniques. Conventional Encryption Model and Stenography, Classical Encryption Techniques. Modern Techniques : Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles, DES standard, DES Strength Differential & Linear Cryptanalysis, Block Cipher Design principles, Block cipher Modes of Operation. Public Key Encryption: Public- Key Cryptography: Principles of Public –Key Cryptosystems, RSA Algorithm, Key Management.
System Security : Authentication Applications; Kerberos directory authentication Service Electronic Mail Security, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP),S/Mine.
Web Security : Secure Socket Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).
System Security : Intruders, Viruses, Firewall Design Principles.
Internet : Basics, various types of internet connections, choosing an ISP, Mail Services concepts, Voice and Video Conferencing, Web Browsers and Web Servers ,VPN, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP).
IT Act 2000 & its Amendments & Provisions : Provisions of Act, types of offences, fines, imprisonment, cyber crime, cyber law, e-commerce basics, online transactions.

OOPS Concepts : Object oriented programming viz-a-viz traditional programming.
Objects, classes, Private and public, data encapsulation, Inheritance and reusability polymorphism and overloading, Constructors, destructors and member functions derived classes and dynamic binding, virtual functions, Input and Output streams. Arrays, Pointers and pointer arithmetic, Modeling object oriented systems, Class design issue.
Core Java : Introduction, operator, Data type, Variable, Arrays, Control Statements, Methods & Classes, Inheritance, Package and Interface, Exception Handling, Multithread programming, I/O, Java Applet, String Handling, Networking, Event handling, Introduction to AWT, AWT controls, Layout Managers, Menus, Images, Graphics.
Java Swing : Creating a Swing Applet and Application, Programming Using Panes, Pluggable Look and Feel, Labels, Text fields, Buttons, Toggle buttons, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, View ports, Scroll Panes, Scroll Bars, Lists , Combo box, Progress Bar, Menus of Tool bars, Layered Panes, Tabbed Panes, Split Panes, Layout Windows, Dialog Boxes, Inner Frame.
JDBC : Concepts, Connectivity Model, JDBC, ODBC Bridge, Java. SQL package, connectivity to remote database, navigating through multiple rows retrieved from a database.
Java Beans : Concepts, Application Builders tools, the bean developer kit (BDK), JAR files, Introspection, Developing a simple Bean, using bound properties, the Java being API, Session Bean, Entity Beans, Introduction to Enterprise Java Beans ( EJB). Introduction to RMI (Remote Method Invocation: A Simple Client-server application using RMI.
Java Servlet : Servelets Basics, Servlet API Basic, Life Cycle of a Servlet, Running Servlet, Debugging Servelets, Thread-safe Servelets, HTTP Redirects, Cookies, Introduction to Java Server pages (JSP).
HTML : Structural elements of HTML documents, Logical styles, Physical Styles , Managing images in html ,Image format ,Importing images , documents, Hypertext and Link in HTML,URL/FTP/HTTP, Types of links ,Rotating messages Counters Calling CGI scripts for modifying entered data, CGI Primer, Handling Form Output with CGI.
PHP : PHP Basics, Stream manipulation, control structures, functions, files, working with forms and files, regular expressions, cookies and sessions. : Basics, name spaces, net framework classes, Web forms and various controls, Web services, security and roles.

Graphic Primitives : Display Devices: Refresh Cathode Ray Tube, Raster Scan Display, Plasma, Liquid Crystal display, Light Emitting Diode, Plotters, Printers.
Line Drawing Algorithms: DDA algorithms, Bresenham’s Line algorithm.
Transformation : 2D transformation, Basic Transformations, Composite transformations: Reflection, Shearing, and Transformation: Reflection, Shearing, and Transformation between coordinate systems. 3D Graphic: 3D Display Methods, 3D transformations, Parallel projection, Perspective projection, Visible lines and surfaces identification, Hidden surface removal.
Compression Techniques : Lossless and Lossy compression, Run length coding, Statistical Coding, Transform Coding, JPEG, MPEG, Text compression using static Huffman technique, Dynamic Huffman Technique.
Animation : Introduction to Animation, Principles of Animation, Types of Animation, Types of Animation Systems: Scripting, Procedural, Representational, Stochastic, etc. Animation Tools: Hardware – SGI, PC’s Amiga etc. Software: Adobe Photoshop, animation, CIF Construction, GIF motion etc. GKS : GKS Standards, GKS Primitives-Polyline, Playmaker, GKS Workstation and Metafiles.

Mobile Computing : Wireless Communication Concepts, Mobile Computing Framework, Wireless Delivery Technology & Switching methods: Radio Based Systems, Cellular Communications, Wireless packet Data Network, Satellite Networks, Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT), Infrared or Light Based Mobile Computing, Mobile Information Access Devices: Portable Computers, Hybrid Pen Computer, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Personal Communicators, Palmtops, Cellular Modems, Mobile Data Internetworking Standards, Mobile IP, Global Positioning System.
Cloud Computing : History of Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Storage, Why Cloud Computing Matters, Advantages of Cloud Computing, Disadvantages of Cloud Computing, Cloud Services. Web-Based Application , Pros and Cons of Cloud Service Development, Types of Cloud Service Development.
Grid Computing : Overview of Grid Business areas, Grid applications- schedulers, resource broker, load balancing, grid portals.
Green Computing : Green computing concepts and its applications.

Note : Question Paper will comprises of 200 questions of multiple choice. The first eight sections will carry 20 questions in each section while the last section (Programming Languages) will carry 40 questions. The question paper will carry 400 marks and will be of 3 hours duration. All questions will carry equal marks. The written examination will be followed by interview of 50 marks.
Computer Fundamentals : Definition of an Electronic Digital Computer, History, Generations, Characteristics, and applications of computers, Classification of computers. Elements of Computer Processing System, Hardware, CPU, Peripherals, Storage Media, Software definition, its role and categories, Firmware and Human-ware.
Information Concept & Processing : Data concepts and Data Processing, Data Representation Number System, Definition of Information, Need of Information, Quality of Information, Value of Information, Categories and Levels of Information in Business Organization.
Programming Language Classification : Computer Languages, Generation of Languages, Translators-Interpreters, Compilers, Assemblers, Introduction to 4G Languages.

Computer Organization : General organization of a digital computer, functional blocks, data representation, fixed and floating point decimal arithmetic, bit slice microprocessor (introduction), Adders & its types, Generators & its types, multiplication and division circuits, an arithmetic unit, Instruction cycle, Instruction sequencing, formats and its interpretation, micro program concepts and control unit design.
Semiconductor memory and memory organization, virtual memory, segments, pages, paged segments, cache memory and interleaved memory.
Concepts of I/O organization, data transfer methods, programmed I/O, DMA, interrupt-based transfer, I/O channels, I/O processors, serial transmission and synchronization.
Introduction to assembly level programming – concepts of assemblers, macros, linkers, and loaders, linking loaders.
Multiprogramming and time-sharing, introduction to advanced computer architecture (pipelining, array processors & multiprocessors).
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates : Boolean algebra basics, Boolean algebra theorems, reduction of logic expressions using Boolean algebra, Truth tables, SOP and POS forms. Standard SOP and POS forms.
Basic and universal logic gates, control aspect of gates, enabling and disabling of gates. K map representation of logical functions, simplification of logic functions using K-maps. Combinational Logic Circuits and Sequential Circuits.
Systems Programming : Fundamentals, Editors, loaders, linkers, assemblers, phases of a compiler and their function, lexical analyzers and parsers, parsing techniques, symbol table, code generation.

System Concepts : Definition, integrated system, sub system, modules, characteristics/objectives/types of systems, Introduction to Software engineering, Importance of Software, role of Software, Software characteristics, Software Components, Software Applications, Software Crisis, Software engineering problems, Software Development Life Cycle, Software Process.
Software Requirement Specification : Analysis Principle, Water Fall Model, The Incremental Model, Prototyping, Spiral Model, Role of management in software development, Role of metrics and Measurement, Problem analysis, Requirement specification. Monitoring and Control.
Software-Design : Design principles, problem partitioning, abstraction, top down and bottom up specifications and verification, Monitoring and control, Cohesiveness, coupling, Fourth generation techniques, Functional independence, Software Architecture, Transaction and Transform Mapping, Component-Level Design. Coding: Top-Down and Bottom- up programming, structured programming, information, hiding, programming style and internal documentation.
Testing : Testing principles, levels of testing, functional testing, and structural testing, test plan, test case specification, reliability assessment, software testing strategies, Verification & validation, Unit testing, Integration Testing, Alpha & Beta testing, system testing and debugging.
Software Project Management : The Management spectrum, cost estimation, project scheduling, staffing, Software configuration management, quality assurance, project monitoring, risk management. Software quality.
Reliability : Reliability issues, Reliability metrics, Reliability growth modeling.

Data Structure : Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure operation Algorithm Complexity and Time-Space Trade-off, Array Definition, Representation and Analysis, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, address calculation, application of arrays, Array as Parameters. Ordered List, Sparse Matrices, and Vectors, representation and Implementation of Singly lists, Two-way Header list, Traversing and Searching of Linked List, Overflow and Underflow, Insertion and deletion to / from Linked Lists, Insertion and deletion Algorithms, Doubly linked list, Linked List in Array, Polynomial representation and addition, Generalized linked list, Garbage Collection and Compaction.
Stacks, Queues and Recursion : Array Representation and Implementation of stack, operations on stacks: Push & Pop, Linked Representation of Stack, operations Associated with stacks, Application of stack, Array and Linked representation and implementation of queues, Operations on queue: Create, add, Delete, Full and Empty. Circular queue, De-que and Priority Queue, Recursive definition and processes, recursion , example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem, simulating recursion Backtracking recursive algorithms, Principles of recursion, tail recursion, removal of recursion.
Trees : Basic terminology, Binary tree representation, Algebraic Expressions, Complete Binary Tree, Extended Binary Tree, Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary tree, Threaded Binary trees. Traversing Threaded Binary trees, Huffman algorithm. Searching and Hashing: Sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis, Hash Table, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution Strategies, Hash Table Implementation. Searching and Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sorting, Quick Sort, Two way Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Sorting on Different Keys, Practical consideration for Internal Sorting. Binary Search Trees: Binary Search Tree (BST) Insertion and Deletion in BST, Complexity of Search Algorithm, Path Length, AVL Trees, B-Trees.
Algorithms : Analysis of algorithms, Growth of Functions, Master’s Theorem, Designing of Algorithms. Sorting and order Statistics: Heap sort, Quick sort, Sorting in Linear time.
Design and Analysis : Design issues, Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques: Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms, Amortized Analysis, Back Tracking.

Operating System : Functions, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, & multitasking, process: process description, process states, process control, threads, memory management, virtual memory, paging, fragmentation, concurrent processing: Mutual exclusion, critical regions, lock & unlock. Scheduling: CPU scheduling, I/O scheduling, Scheduling algorithms, Deadlock: avoidance & prevention; UNIX: structure & commands of UNIX, interfacing with UNIX, editors & compilers for UNIX, LEX & YACC, File system, System calls, Filters, Shell programming.
Distributed Systems : Introduction to H/W and S/W concepts in distributed systems, network operating systems and NFS, NFS architecture and protocol, distributed file systems.
Information Storage & Management : Complexity of Information Management-Proliferation of Data, Data Center Evolution, Managing Complexity, I/O and the five pillars of technology, Storage Infrastructure, Evolution of Storage. Storage Systems Architecture: Modern Storage Systems, Storage Systems, Intelligent Disk Subsystems, Physical Disks , Back End ,Cache ,Front End , Host Environment.

Database definition, Data independence, Architecture for a Database system. Storage structures, possible representations for sample data, Data structures and corresponding operators. Relational approach, Hierarchical approach, Network approach.
Relational Data structure, Relations, Domains and attributes, Keys, Extensions and Intentions, Relational Algebra, Traditional set operations, Attribute-names for derived relations, Special Relational operations, Relational calculus.
Normalizations of relations. Normal forms, functional dependence, 1 NF, 2 NF and 3 NF, Further Normalization.
SQL, Query and optimizer, Decomposition of relation scheme.
Security, Concurrent operations on Databases, Recovery, Distributed Data base machines, comparisons of database systems.

Basic concepts of data communication system : Communication channel and their characteristics.
Modeling of Information sources : Measure of information, source coding techniques like Huffman code, Block Code & Cyclic Redundancy codes. Modulation: its need, its various types. Analog to Digital Communication, Digital to Analog Communication.
Computer Network : Definition, Goals and Applications, Networks structure and architecture, OSI reference model, services, topology, transmission media, Switching, Multiplexing, Client-Server model, IEEE standards, FDDI, TCP/IP Model, Integrated services digital networks, Multipoint Protocol Layer Switching (MPLS).
Physical Layer and basic functions, Data Link Layer functions, DLL Sublayers -MAC Sublayer, LLC Sub layer and its various protocols.
Network Layer: its functions, routing algorithms, congestion control algorithms, internetworking, IP addressing, Subnetting, IPv4.
Transport Layer and its Protocols. Application layer and its various protocols, compression Techniques, IPv6 , DNS System.
Security : Security Concepts- Attacks, Services & Mechanisms, Conventional Encryption: Classical Techniques. Conventional Encryption Model and Stenography, Classical Encryption Techniques. Modern Techniques : Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles, DES standard, DES Strength Differential & Linear Cryptanalysis, Block Cipher Design principles, Block cipher Modes of Operation. Public Key Encryption: Public- Key Cryptography: Principles of Public –Key Cryptosystems, RSA Algorithm, Key Management.
System Security : Authentication Applications; Kerberos directory authentication Service Electronic Mail Security, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP),S/Mine.
Web Security : Secure Socket Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).
System Security : Intruders, Viruses, Firewall Design Principles.
Internet : Basics, various types of internet connections, choosing an ISP, Mail Services concepts, Voice and Video Conferencing, Web Browsers and Web Servers ,VPN, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP).
IT Act 2000 & its Amendments & Provisions : Provisions of Act, types of offences, fines, imprisonment, cyber crime, cyber law, e-commerce basics, online transactions.

Wireless Communication Concepts, Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing Framework, Wireless Delivery Technology & Switching methods: Radio Based Systems, Cellular Communications, Wireless Packet Data Network, Satellite Networks, Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT), Infrared or Light Based Mobile Computing, Mobile Information Access Devices: Portable Computers, Hybrid Pen Computer, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Personal Communicators, Palmtops, Cellular Modems, Mobile Data Internetworking Standards ,Mobile IP, Global Positioning System.
OOPS Concepts : Object oriented programming viz-a-viz traditional programming.
Objects, classes, Private and public, data encapsulation, Inheritance and reusability polymorphism and overloading, Constructors, destructors and member functions derived classes and dynamic binding, virtual functions, Input and Output streams. Arrays, Pointers and pointer arithmetic, Modeling object oriented systems, Class design issue.
Core Java : Introduction, operator, Data type, Variable, Arrays, Control Statements, Methods & Classes, Inheritance, Package and Interface, Exception Handling, Multithread programming, I/O, Java Applet, String Handling, Networking, Event handling, Introduction to AWT, AWT controls, Layout Managers, Menus, Images, Graphics.
Java Swing : Creating a Swing Applet and Application, Programming Using Panes, Pluggable Look and Feel, Labels, Text fields, Buttons, Toggle buttons, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, View ports, Scroll Panes, Scroll Bars, Lists , Combo box, Progress Bar, Menus of Tool bars, Layered Panes, Tabbed Panes, Split Panes, Layout Windows, Dialog Boxes, Inner Frame.
JDBC : Concepts, Connectivity Model, JDBC, ODBC Bridge, Java. SQL package, connectivity to remote database, navigating through multiple rows retrieved from a database.
Java Beans : Concepts, Application Builders tools, the bean developer kit (BDK), JAR files, Introspection, Developing a simple Bean, using bound properties, the Java being API, Session Bean, Entity Beans, Introduction to Enterprise Java Beans ( EJB). Introduction to RMI (Remote Method Invocation: A Simple Client-server application using RMI.
Java Servlet : Servelets Basics, Servlet API Basic, Life Cycle of a Servlet, Running Servlet, Debugging Servelets, Thread-safe Servelets, HTTP Redirects, Cookies, Introduction to Java Server pages (JSP).
HTML : Structural elements of HTML documents, Logical styles, Physical Styles , Managing images in html ,Image format ,Importing images , documents, Hypertext and Link in HTML,URL/FTP/HTTP, Types of links ,Rotating messages Counters Calling CGI scripts for modifying entered data, CGI Primer, Handling Form Output with CGI.
PHP : PHP Basics, Stream manipulation, control structures, functions, files, working with forms and files, regular expressions, cookies and sessions. : Basics, name spaces, net framework classes, Web forms and various controls, Web services, security and roles.

A S S I S T A N T  P R O G R A M M E R
Note : Question Paper will comprise of 200 questions of multiple choice. The first six sections will carry 20 questions in each section while the last two sections will carry 40 questions each. The question paper will carry 400 marks and will be of 3 hours duration. All questions will carry equal marks. The written examination will be followed by interview of 50 marks.
Computer Fundamentals : Definition of an Electronic Digital Computer, History, Generations, Characteristics, and applications of computers, Classification of computers. Elements of Computer Processing System, Hardware, CPU, Peripherals, Storage Media, Software definition, its role and categories, Firmware and Human-ware.
Information Concept & Processing : Data concepts and Data Processing, Data Representation Number System, Definition of Information, Need of Information, Quality of Information, Value of Information, Categories and Levels of Information in Business Organization.
Programming Language Classification : Computer Languages, Generation of Languages, Translators-Interpreters, Compilers, Assemblers, Introduction to 4G Languages.

Computer Organization : General organization of a digital computer, functional blocks, data representation, fixed and floating point decimal arithmetic, bit slice microprocessor (introduction), Adders & its types, Generators & its types, multiplication and division circuits, an arithmetic unit, Instruction cycle, Instruction sequencing, formats and its interpretation, micro program concepts and control unit design.
Semiconductor memory and memory organization, virtual memory, segments, pages, paged segments, cache memory and interleaved memory.
Concepts of I/O organization, data transfer methods, programmed I/O, DMA, interrupt-based transfer, I/O channels, I/O processors, serial transmission and synchronization.
Introduction to assembly level programming – concepts of assemblers, macros, linkers, and loaders, linking loaders.
Multiprogramming and time-sharing, introduction to advanced computer architecture (pipelining, array processors & multiprocessors).
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates : Boolean algebra basics, Boolean algebra theorems, reduction of logic expressions using Boolean algebra, Truth tables, SOP and POS forms. Standard SOP and POS forms.
Basic and universal logic gates, control aspect of gates, enabling and disabling of gates. K map representation of logical functions, simplification of logic functions using K-maps. Combinational Logic Circuits and Sequential Circuits.
Systems Programming : Fundamentals, Editors, loaders, linkers, assemblers, phases of a compiler and their function, lexical analyzers and parsers, parsing techniques, symbol table, code generation.

System Concepts : Definition, integrated system, sub system, modules, characteristics/objectives/types of systems, Introduction to Software engineering, Importance of Software, role of Software, Software characteristics, Software Components, Software Applications, Software Crisis, Software engineering problems, Software Development Life Cycle, Software Process.
Software Requirement Specification : Analysis Principle, Water Fall Model, The Incremental Model, Prototyping, Spiral Model, Role of management in software development, Role of metrics and Measurement, Problem analysis, Requirement specification. Monitoring and Control.
Software-Design : Design principles, problem partitioning, abstraction, top down and bottom up specifications and verification, Monitoring and control, Cohesiveness, coupling, Fourth generation techniques, Functional independence, Software Architecture, Transaction and Transform Mapping, Component-Level Design. Coding: Top-Down and Bottom- up programming, structured programming, information, hiding, programming style and internal documentation.
Testing : Testing principles, levels of testing, functional testing, and structural testing, test plan, test case specification, reliability assessment, software testing strategies, Verification & validation, Unit testing, Integration Testing, Alpha & Beta testing, system testing and debugging.
Software Project Management : The Management spectrum, cost estimation, project scheduling, staffing, Software configuration management, quality assurance, project monitoring, risk management. Software quality.
Reliability : Reliability issues, Reliability metrics, Reliability growth modeling.

Data Structure : Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure operation Algorithm Complexity and Time-Space Trade-off, Array Definition, Representation and Analysis, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, address calculation, application of arrays, Array as Parameters. Ordered List, Sparse Matrices, and Vectors, representation and Implementation of Singly lists, Two-way Header list, Traversing and Searching of Linked List, Overflow and Underflow, Insertion and deletion to / from Linked Lists, Insertion and deletion Algorithms, Doubly linked list, Linked List in Array, Polynomial representation and addition, Generalized linked list, Garbage Collection and Compaction.
Stacks, Queues and Recursion : Array Representation and Implementation of stack, operations on stacks: Push & Pop, Linked Representation of Stack, operations Associated with stacks, Application of stack, Array and Linked representation and implementation of queues, Operations on queue: Create, add, Delete, Full and Empty. Circular queue, De-que and Priority Queue, Recursive definition and processes, recursion , example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem, simulating recursion Backtracking recursive algorithms, Principles of recursion, tail recursion, removal of recursion.
Trees : Basic terminology, Binary tree representation, Algebraic Expressions, Complete Binary Tree, Extended Binary Tree, Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary tree, Threaded Binary trees. Traversing Threaded Binary trees, Huffman algorithm. Searching and Hashing: Sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis, Hash Table, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution Strategies, Hash Table Implementation. Searching and Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sorting, Quick Sort, Two way Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Sorting on Different Keys, Practical consideration for Internal Sorting. Binary Search Trees: Binary Search Tree (BST) Insertion and Deletion in BST, Complexity of Search Algorithm, Path Length, AVL Trees, B-Trees.
Algorithms : Analysis of algorithms, Growth of Functions, Master’s Theorem, Designing of Algorithms. Sorting and order Statistics: Heap sort, Quick sort, Sorting in Linear time.
Design and Analysis : Design issues, Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques: Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms, Amortized Analysis, Back Tracking.

Operating System : Functions, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, & multitasking, process: process description, process states, process control, threads, memory management, virtual memory, paging, fragmentation, concurrent processing: Mutual exclusion, critical regions, lock & unlock. Scheduling: CPU scheduling, I/O scheduling, Scheduling algorithms, Deadlock: avoidance & prevention; UNIX: structure & commands of UNIX, interfacing with UNIX, editors & compilers for UNIX, LEX & YACC, File system, System calls, Filters, Shell programming.
Distributed Systems : Introduction to H/W and S/W concepts in distributed systems, network operating systems and NFS, NFS architecture and protocol, distributed file systems.
Information Storage & Management : Complexity of Information Management-Proliferation of Data, Data Center Evolution, Managing Complexity, I/O and the five pillars of technology, Storage Infrastructure, Evolution of Storage. Storage Systems Architecture: Modern Storage Systems, Storage Systems, Intelligent Disk Subsystems, Physical Disks , Back End ,Cache ,Front End , Host Environment.

Database definition, Data independence, Architecture for a Database system. Storage structures, possible representations for sample data, Data structures and corresponding operators. Relational approach, Hierarchical approach, Network approach.
Relational Data structure, Relations, Domains and attributes, Keys, Extensions and Intentions, Relational Algebra, Traditional set operations, Attribute-names for derived relations, Special Relational operations, Relational calculus.
Normalizations of relations. Normal forms, functional dependence, 1 NF, 2 NF and 3 NF, Further Normalization.
SQL, Query and optimizer, Decomposition of relation scheme.
Security, Concurrent operations on Databases, Recovery, Distributed Data base machines, comparisons of database systems.

Basic concepts of data communication system : Communication channel and their characteristics.
Modeling of Information sources : Measure of information, source coding techniques like Huffman code, Block Code & Cyclic Redundancy codes. Modulation: its need, its various types. Analog to Digital Communication, Digital to Analog Communication.
Computer Network : Definition, Goals and Applications, Networks structure and architecture, OSI reference model, services, topology, transmission media, Switching, Multiplexing, Client-Server model, IEEE standards, FDDI, TCP/IP Model, Integrated services digital networks, Multipoint Protocol Layer Switching (MPLS).
Physical Layer and basic functions, Data Link Layer functions, DLL Sublayers -MAC Sublayer, LLC Sub layer and its various protocols.
Network Layer: its functions, routing algorithms, congestion control algorithms, internetworking, IP addressing, Subnetting, IPv4.
Transport Layer and its Protocols. Application layer and its various protocols, compression Techniques, IPv6 , DNS System.
Security : Security Concepts- Attacks, Services & Mechanisms, Conventional Encryption: Classical Techniques. Conventional Encryption Model and Stenography, Classical Encryption Techniques. Modern Techniques : Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles, DES standard, DES Strength Differential & Linear Cryptanalysis, Block Cipher Design principles, Block cipher Modes of Operation. Public Key Encryption: Public- Key Cryptography: Principles of Public –Key Cryptosystems, RSA Algorithm, Key Management.
System Security : Authentication Applications; Kerberos directory authentication Service Electronic Mail Security, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP),S/Mine.
Web Security : Secure Socket Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).
System Security : Intruders, Viruses, Firewall Design Principles.
Internet : Basics, various types of internet connections, choosing an ISP, Mail Services concepts, Voice and Video Conferencing, Web Browsers and Web Servers ,VPN, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP).
IT Act 2000 & its Amendments & Provisions : Provisions of Act, types of offences, fines, imprisonment, cyber crime, cyber law, e-commerce basics, online transactions.

OOPS Concepts : Object oriented programming viz-a-viz traditional programming.
Objects, classes, Private and public, data encapsulation, Inheritance and reusability polymorphism and overloading, Constructors, destructors and member functions derived classes and dynamic binding, virtual functions, Input and Output streams. Arrays, Pointers and pointer arithmetic, Modeling object oriented systems, Class design issue.
Core Java : Introduction, operator, Data type, Variable, Arrays, Control Statements, Methods & Classes, Inheritance, Package and Interface, Exception Handling, Multithread programming, I/O, Java Applet, String Handling, Networking, Event handling, Introduction to AWT, AWT controls, Layout Managers, Menus, Images, Graphics.
Java Swing : Creating a Swing Applet and Application, Programming Using Panes, Pluggable Look and Feel, Labels, Text fields, Buttons, Toggle buttons, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, View ports, Scroll Panes, Scroll Bars, Lists , Combo box, Progress Bar, Menus of Tool bars, Layered Panes, Tabbed Panes, Split Panes, Layout Windows, Dialog Boxes, Inner Frame.
JDBC : Concepts, Connectivity Model, JDBC, ODBC Bridge, Java. SQL package, connectivity to remote database, navigating through multiple rows retrieved from a database.
Java Beans : Concepts, Application Builders tools, the bean developer kit (BDK), JAR files, Introspection, Developing a simple Bean, using bound properties, the Java being API, Session Bean, Entity Beans, Introduction to Enterprise Java Beans ( EJB). Introduction to RMI (Remote Method Invocation: A Simple Client-server application using RMI.
Java Servlet : Servelets Basics, Servlet API Basic, Life Cycle of a Servlet, Running Servlet, Debugging Servelets, Thread-safe Servelets, HTTP Redirects, Cookies, Introduction to Java Server pages (JSP).
HTML : Structural elements of HTML documents, Logical styles, Physical Styles , Managing images in html ,Image format ,Importing images , documents, Hypertext and Link in HTML,URL/FTP/HTTP, Types of links ,Rotating messages Counters Calling CGI scripts for modifying entered data, CGI Primer, Handling Form Output with CGI.
PHP : PHP Basics, Stream manipulation, control structures, functions, files, working with forms and files, regular expressions, cookies and sessions. : Basics, name spaces, net framework classes, Web forms and various controls, Web services, security and roles.

C O N S O L E  O P E R A T O R / P R O G R A M M I N G  A S S I S T A N T
Note : Question Paper will comprises of 200 questions of multiple choice. Section “A” will carry 90 questions, Section “B” will carry 60 questions and Section “C” will carry 50 questions. All questions will carry equal marks. The question paper will carry 200 marks and will be of 3 hours duration.
Introduction to Computers : Introduction, Capabilities, Classification, Application and Generation of computers, Brief History of Computers, Computers and Hardware, Input/Output Devices, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Brief Introduction to Memory, Input Data : Sources & Concepts, Keyboard, Graphical Input Devices, Processing: CPU, ALU, CU Memory, Unit and different type of bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte and gigabyte, Cache Memory, Semiconductor memories such as RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM.
Output Devices and storage devices : Why output is needed, Monitor, Printer, Impact, Non-impact Printers, Plotters, Storage Device, Primary Devices, Secondary Devices, Magnetic Disks.
Operating System : Introduction to Operating System, Architecture of Operating System, Booting Procedure, Types of Files, Secondary storage devices: NTFS, Latest removable storage devices, hard disks, CD’s and DVD’s, Storage and Retrieval of data- concepts and tracks, sectors, cylinders, boot record, disk partition and File Allocation Tables (FAT), Types of software: System software and application software, Functions of operating system, Interpreter, compiler and assembler, Mainframe systems, Desktop Systems , Multiprocessor Systems , Distributed Systems, Real time systems, System Components, Operating System Services, System Programs, Process Concept, DOS PROMPT, Introduction to Dos Commands.
Database Systems : Basic concepts, Characteristics of Database approach, Finding Records With Data form, Adding/Deleting records, Filtering records in a worksheet, Three-schema Architecture and Data Independence, Data Models, E-R Model, Relational Data Model, SQL Programming Techniques, Relational Database Design.
Communication Networks : Computer Network Definition, Goals and Applications, Networks structure and architecture, OSI reference model, services, topology, transmission media, Switching, Multiplexing, Client-Server model, IEEE standards, TCP/IP model. Physical Layer and basic functions, Data Link Layer functions, Network Layer: its functions, routing algorithms, congestion control algorithms, internetworking, Transport Layer and its Protocols, Application layer and its various protocols
Security : Security Concept, public key and private key cryptography, Attacks, Services & Mechanisms, Intruders, Viruses, Firewalls, digital signature.
Internet & E-mail Services : Introduction to Internet, Information Super Highway, Types of Network, Basic Uses of the Internet, Internet Administration, Protocol used in different Generation, World Wide Web, Domain Name System: Domain & Address, Domain Name System (DNS), Ways to access Internet, World Wide Web(WWW), Requirement of Internet, Working of Internet, Connection to Internet Using the Dial-Up Network Wizard, More about World Wide Web, Introducing Web Browsers, Different Protocols in URLs, Connecting with URL, Setting Up Internet Explorer to Send and Receive Mail, Customizing Internet Explorer, Defining Security Zones, changing content Advisor Settings, Introduction to Front Page Express, Spice Up Your Web Page with Front Page Express, Electronic Mail Using Outlook Express.
HTML : HTML basics, Dividing the documents into 2 parts: Headers and Body, Tag, Elements of an HTML documents, Logical styles (source code, text enhancements, variables), Physical Styles (Bold, Italic, underlined, crossed), Types of Links, Interactive forms, Creating data entry forms, Calling CGI scripts for modifying entered data.
Multimedia : What is a multimedia ?, Introduction to Multimedia softwares, Introduction to Animation: Different types of Animation, Animation Techniques, Digital audio, video and photography, Concepts of Graphics, Graphics tools: Adobe Family, Linux OS, Microsoft (Expression, Web), Design Techniques: (Page Layout, Print Media, Brochure/email/newsletter design), Playing of a CD with Media Player, Working with a Sound Recorder.

Windows : Introduction definition of an Operating system ?, it’s requirements, types of an Operating System, functions, Terms often used for Windows, Introduction to Windows, Specialties of Windows, Terms often used in Windows, Taskbar: Definition and functions, Launching of applications with the help of Launching Pad, Explanation of title bar and buttons, Switching between applications, Changing the size and position of the Taskbar, Properties of the Taskbar, Desktop: Introduction to the Desktop, Main Icons on the Desktop, Properties of the Desktop.
Network Neighborhood : Introduction, Network Neighborhood in Open window, Network Neighborhood in Explore window, Sharing, Sharing of files and folders, Sharing of hard disk, Sharing of Printers, Connecting a device temporarily. Control Panel : Introduction to Control Panel, Tools under Control Panel, Accessibility Options, Add new Hardware, Add/Remove Programs, Date/Time, Display, Fonts, Keyboard, Mouse, Multimedia, 32bit ODIALOG BOX, Passwords, Printers, Regional Settings, Sounds.
Office Automation : What is Windows, What is suite of Software, Selecting in Office Programs, Using Tools and Menus, Working in Documents, Cutting, Copying, and pasting, Saving a Document, Getting Help, Advantages of Word Processing under Windows, Various Word Processors available under Windows.
Word Processing software : Opening a New Document, Opening an Existing Document, Recently opened files, Opening from the Documents menu, Exporting and Importing File, Setting Up Your Pages, Choosing page Size and Orientation, Changing page Size, Changing Orientation, Setting Margins, Centering Page, Controlling Page Breaks, Typing in the Document, Inserting Today’s Data, Moving Around in the Document, Creating Sections, Inserting a Section break, Formatting a Section, Viewing Sections, Using Columns, Numbering Pages, On Your Own, Saving a File, Quitting Word, Formatting Text, Creating Headers and Footers , Mail Merge ,Templates, Wizards and Printing Techniques
Spread Sheet software : Introduction to spreadsheets, Introduction to excel, File management in excel, Create a new workbook, Moving around in the worksheet, Formatting, Adding formulae and functions, Large databases, Additional facilities to format data, Charts and Maps, Work with multiple worksheets, Printing in Excel, Importing and Exporting of data.
Presentation software : Introduction, Applications of Power Point, File Management in Power Point, Add text and other objects to slides, Templates and Master slide, Giving Animation effects, Links and Action buttons, Tuning up of Presentation.
Database software : Introduction: Starting Ms-Access, Opening an existing database, Understanding database, Creating database, Managing database objects, Creating Tables, Adding, Editing and Viewing Data, Sorting, Query, Creating Forms, Creating Reports.

PART C (General Studies related to Uttarakhand)
(a) Education, culture, agriculture, industry, trade, and commerce, living habits, geographical, political background, and special knowledge about social customs.
(b) Cultural, economic, natural resources, and historical background
(c) Contribution of science and technology in development of Uttarakhand
(d) Population and urbanization
(e) Rural, local administration, and contemporary events

Practical (only qualifying)
The speed of 9000 key depression per hour in English and the speed of 8000 key depression per hours in Hindi for Data Entry work will be judged by conducting a speed test on the E.D.P. machine (s) by competent authority.

D A T A  E N T R Y  O P E R A T O R
Note : Question Paper will comprises of 200 questions of multiple choice. Section “A” will carry 60 questions, Section “B” will carry 90 questions and Section “C” will carry 50 questions. All questions will carry equal marks. The question paper will carry 200 marks and will be of 3 hours duration.
Introduction to Computers : Introduction, Capabilities, Classification, Application and Generation of computers, Brief History of Computers, Computers and Hardware, Input/Output Devices, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Brief Introduction to Memory, Input Data : Sources & Concepts, Keyboard, Graphical Input Devices, Processing: CPU, ALU, CU Memory, Unit and different type of bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte and gigabyte, Cache Memory, Semiconductor memories such as RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM.
Output Devices and storage devices : Why output is needed, Monitor, Printer, Impact, Non-impact Printers, Plotters, Storage Device, Primary Devices, Secondary Devices, Magnetic Disks.
Operating System : Introduction to Operating System, Architecture of Operating System, Booting Procedure, Types of Files, Secondary storage devices: NTFS, Latest removable storage devices, hard disks, CD’s and DVD’s, Storage and Retrieval of data- concepts and tracks, sectors, cylinders, boot record, disk partition and File Allocation Tables (FAT), Types of software: System software and application software, Functions of operating system, Interpreter, compiler and assembler, Mainframe systems, Desktop Systems , Multiprocessor Systems , Distributed Systems, Real time systems, System Components, Operating System Services, System Programs, Process Concept, DOS PROMPT, Introduction to Dos Commands.
Database Systems : Basic concepts, Characteristics of Database approach, Finding Records With Data form, Adding/Deleting records, Filtering records in a worksheet, Three-schema Architecture and Data Independence, Data Models, E-R Model, Relational Data Model, SQL Programming Techniques, Relational Database Design.
Communication Networks : Computer Network Definition, Goals and Applications, Networks structure and architecture, OSI reference model, services, topology, transmission media, Switching, Multiplexing, Client-Server model, IEEE standards, TCP/IP model. Physical Layer and basic functions, Data Link Layer functions, Network Layer: its functions, routing algorithms, congestion control algorithms, internetworking, Transport Layer and its Protocols, Application layer and its various protocols
Security : Security Concept, public key and private key cryptography, Attacks, Services & Mechanisms, Intruders, Viruses, Firewalls, digital signature.
Internet & E-mail Services : Introduction to Internet, Information Super Highway, Types of Network, Basic Uses of the Internet, Internet Administration, Protocol used in different Generation, World Wide Web, Domain Name System: Domain & Address, Domain Name System (DNS), Ways to access Internet, World Wide Web(WWW), Requirement of Internet, Working of Internet, Connection to Internet Using the Dial-Up Network Wizard, More about World Wide Web, Introducing Web Browsers, Different Protocols in URLs, Connecting with URL, Setting Up Internet Explorer to Send and Receive Mail, Customizing Internet Explorer, Defining Security Zones, changing content Advisor Settings, Introduction to Front Page Express, Spice Up Your Web Page with Front Page Express, Electronic Mail Using Outlook Express.
HTML : HTML basics, Dividing the documents into 2 parts: Headers and Body, Tag, Elements of an HTML documents, Logical styles (source code, text enhancements, variables), Physical Styles (Bold, Italic, underlined, crossed), Types of Links, Interactive forms, Creating data entry forms, Calling CGI scripts for modifying entered data.
Multimedia : What is a multimedia ?, Introduction to Multimedia softwares, Introduction to Animation: Different types of Animation, Animation Techniques, Digital audio, video and photography, Concepts of Graphics, Graphics tools: Adobe Family, Linux OS, Microsoft (Expression, Web), Design Techniques: (Page Layout, Print Media, Brochure/email/newsletter design), Playing of a CD with Media Player, Working with a Sound Recorder.

Windows : Introduction definition of an Operating system ?, it’s requirements, types of an Operating System, functions, Terms often used for Windows, Introduction to Windows, Specialties of Windows, Terms often used in Windows, Taskbar: Definition and functions, Launching of applications with the help of Launching Pad, Explanation of title bar and buttons, Switching between applications, Changing the size and position of the Taskbar, Properties of the Taskbar, Desktop: Introduction to the Desktop, Main Icons on the Desktop, Properties of the Desktop.
Network Neighborhood : Introduction, Network Neighborhood in Open window, Network Neighborhood in Explore window, Sharing, Sharing of files and folders, Sharing of hard disk, Sharing of Printers, Connecting a device temporarily. Control Panel : Introduction to Control Panel, Tools under Control Panel, Accessibility Options, Add new Hardware, Add/Remove Programs, Date/Time, Display, Fonts, Keyboard, Mouse, Multimedia, 32bit ODIALOG BOX, Passwords, Printers, Regional Settings, Sounds.
Office Automation : What is Windows, What is suite of Software, Selecting in Office Programs, Using Tools and Menus, Working in Documents, Cutting, Copying, and pasting, Saving a Document, Getting Help, Advantages of Word Processing under Windows, Various Word Processors available under Windows.
Word Processing software : Opening a New Document, Opening an Existing Document, Recently opened files, Opening from the Documents menu, Exporting and Importing File, Setting Up Your Pages, Choosing page Size and Orientation, Changing page Size, Changing Orientation, Setting Margins, Centering Page, Controlling Page Breaks, Typing in the Document, Inserting Today’s Data, Moving Around in the Document, Creating Sections, Inserting a Section break, Formatting a Section, Viewing Sections, Using Columns, Numbering Pages, On Your Own, Saving a File, Quitting Word, Formatting Text, Creating Headers and Footers , Mail Merge ,Templates, Wizards and Printing Techniques
Spread Sheet software : Introduction to spreadsheets, Introduction to excel, File management in excel, Create a new workbook, Moving around in the worksheet, Formatting, Adding formulae and functions, Large databases, Additional facilities to format data, Charts and Maps, Work with multiple worksheets, Printing in Excel, Importing and Exporting of data.
Presentation software : Introduction, Applications of Power Point, File Management in Power Point, Add text and other objects to slides, Templates and Master slide, Giving Animation effects, Links and Action buttons, Tuning up of Presentation.
Database software : Introduction: Starting Ms-Access, Opening an existing database, Understanding database, Creating database, Managing database objects, Creating Tables, Adding, Editing and Viewing Data, Sorting, Query, Creating Forms, Creating Reports.

PART C (General Studies related to Uttarakhand)
(a) Education, culture, agriculture, industry, trade, and commerce, living habits, geographical, political background, and special knowledge about social customs.
(b) Cultural, economic, natural resources, and historical background
(c) Contribution of science and technology in development of Uttarakhand
(d) Population and urbanization
(e) Rural, local administration, and contemporary events

Practical (only qualifying)
The speed of 9000 key depression per hour in English and the speed of 8000 key depression per hours in Hindi for Data Entry work will be judged by conducting a speed test on the E.D.P. machine (s) by competent authority.

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