
Reasoning Quiz

Directions (1-5): Each of the questions below consists of a question and three statements numbered I, II and III given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the questions and then mark the appropriate option as answer.

1. Amongst U, V, W, X, Y and Z, who earns highest salary?
I. Y earns more than Z but less than at least two persons.
II. X earns more than Y but less than U, who is not highest earner.
III. V earns more than Y but less than W.

Which of the following statements are sufficient to answer the above question ?
(A) I and II together are sufficient
(B) II and III together are sufficient
(C) I and III together are sufficient
(D) All statements together are sufficient
(E) Even all statements together are not sufficient

2. Are all the five friends P, Q, R, S, and T, who are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre ?
I. S sits second to the left of Q, who is immediate to the left of P. T is immediate left of R, who faces centre. Q faces to the centre.
II. T sits second to the right of P, who is immediate to the left of R. Q is not near to T, who faces centre.
III. R sits immediate to the left of T, who faces centre. P sits second to the right of S but not near to R.

Which of the following statements are sufficient to answer the above question ?
(A) Either I or II alone
(B) Either II or III alone
(C) Either I or III alone
(D) Any one of the statements
(E) None of the statements

3. Point M is in which direction with respect to point X ?
I. Point R is to the north of point X. Point L is to the south of point M. Point L is to the south of point X.
II. Point T is to the east of point J, which is to the south of point X. Point P is to the north of point M, point P is to the west of point T.
III. Point N is to the south of point 0, which is to the east of point X, point M is to the east of point N.

Which of the following statements are sufficient to answer the above question ?
(A) Either I or II alone
(B) Either II or III
(C) Either I or III alone
(D) Only II
(E) Only III

4. There are seven letters M, U, E, S, R, A and N. Is the word 'SUR-NAME' formed after performing the following operations using these seven letters only ?
I. A is placed third to the right of U. M is placed second to the right of N. While the last letter of the word is not M.
II. S is placed third to the left of N while R is placed immediately next (either left or right) to U.
III. E is placed second to the right of A. S is not placed near to E or N.

Which of the following statements are sufficient to answer the above question ?
(A) I and II both together
(B) I and III both together
(C) II and III both together
(D) All statements together
(E) Even all statements together are not sufficient

5. Out of 6 colours of Caps Red. Orange, Green, White Black and Pink, which colour of Cap Q likes ?
(A person's name should not be the same with the first letter of the Cap that he likes. Six persons (M, N, 0, P, Q and R) like 6 different Caps each like one Cap)
I. P does not like Black Cap but the person who likes Red Cap is not Q or M.
II. 0 likes white Cap while N likes either Green or Orange Cap. R likes either Green or Black.
III. Q does not like Black while M likes either Black or Orange.

Which of the following statements are sufficient to answer the above question ?
(A) I and II together
(B) II and III both together
(C) I and III both together
(D) Any two of the statements together
(E) All statements together are sufficient

Directions (6-10): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below.

Six players A, B, C, D, E and F play four different games viz Tennis, Racing, Shooting, Riding and wear shirts of four different colours i.e. red, green, black and orange shirts. C wears either red or green shirt. E does not play shooting and person who play riding does not wear red shirt; A neither wears green shirt nor plays riding. Both of the racing players wear different colours of shirts but not wear orange shirt. F plays tennis; tennis player does not wear red shirt, two players wear black shirts and one wears orange. One player is in shooting and wears green, D wears red shirt and tennis player does not wear black shirt. E is in riding and wears black while A wears orange shirt. Not more than two players are in same game and wear same shirt.

6. Which of the following shirts is worn by two players?
(1) Black and Orange
(2) Red and Green
(3) Black and Red
(4) Green and Black
(5) None of these

7. Which colour of shirt is worn by the player, who plays shooting? 
(1) Red
(2) Green
(3) Black
(4) Orange
(5) None of these

8. Which of the game played and shirt worn by B?
(1) Riding and Black
(2) Shooting and Green
(3) Racing and Black
(4) Tennis and Red
(5) None of these

9. Which of the following is the correct combination, according to the given data?
(1) E- Black- Racing
(2) F-Red-Tennis
(3) D- Green-Racing
(4) A-Orange-Tennis
(5) None of these

10. Which of the games played by the two players except Racing?
(1) Tennis
(2) Shooting
(3) Riding
(4) Tennis or Riding  
(5) None of these


Solutions (1-5):
1. (4): From statement I, II and III together we can say that W is the highest earner.
2. (3)
3. (5)
4. (1)
5. (5)

Solutions (6-10):
6. (4)
7. (2)
8. (3)
9. (4)
10. (1)

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