
HR Quiz

1. Who developed the concept that tension between workers ‘logic of sentiment’ and managers ‘logic of cost and efficiency’ could lead to conflicts with in the organisation?
Herbert Simon
Elton Mayo
Fredric W Taylor
Chester Barnard
None of these

2. Which of the following is not a traditional method of performance appraisal?
Graphic rating
Field review
None of these

3. The Maturation Theory of motivation has been propounded by
Chris Argyris
Elton Mayo
Henry Fayol
None of these

4. The concept of total quality control i.e., that quality must be attended to at all stages of industrial cycle and throughout the organisation, is the creation of which of the following pioneers?
Joseph M Juran
W Edwards Deming
Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Armand Feigenbaum
None of these

5. How many working days of service is required to avail bonus from an employer?
None of these

6. The basis of liberal democracy is
the right to a job
rights and responsibilities
right to welfare
public housing
None of these

7. Which of the following is not an approach of industrial relation?
Unitary approach
Pluralistic approach
Marxist approach
Goal approach
None of these

8. Informational, interpersonal and decisional roles of a manager are given by
FW Taylor
Henry Fayol
Peter Drucker
None of them

9. This competition is the amount an organisation must pay to compete against other companies that higher similar employees.
Efficiency wage
Labour market
Product market
Human resource
None of them

10. Which of the following types of punishments is not a major punishment?
Loss of privileges
With holding of increments
None of these

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