
Marketing Mix Quiz

1.  Marketing is influenced by—
Public taste
Buyer behaviours
Product demand
Brand image
All of these

2.  Marketing skills are tested by— 
Buying more
Selling more
Paying more
Talking more
All of these

3.  A Marketing survey is required for—
Deciding Marketing strategies
Deciding product strategies
Deciding pricing strategies
All of these
None of these

 4.  Market information denotes—
knowledge of Industries
knowledge of peers
knowledge of households
knowledge of customer needs
all of these

5.  Customisation means— 
Adding more customers
Customers selling goods
Unhappy customers
Tailor-made products for each customer
All of these

6. Target groups can be identified by……………find the incorrect answer.
Data Mining
Data warehousing
Market Survey
Market Research
Market Segmentation

7. The sole aim of marketing is to— 
Increase sales
Increase the number of employees
Increase job opportunities
Increase production
All of these

8. Aggressive marketing is necessitated due to—
Increased competition
Increased Production
Increased job opportunities
All of these

9. Efficient marketing style requires—
Proper planning
Good communication skills
Team work
Knowledge of product
All of these

10. Value added services means—
Costlier products
Larger number of products
Additional Services
At par services
No correction required

11. Marketing persons need— 
Innovative skills
Laborious attitude
Fighting nature
Quality of imitating others
Sympathetic approach

12. Social marketing refers to— 
Share market price
Marketing by the entire society
Internet marketing
Marketing for a social cause
Society bye-laws

13.  A call means— 
To call out to someone
A profession
A speech
A new product
A sales person visiting a likely buyer

14. Marketing opportunities means— 
Availability of sales persons
Availability of data
Scope for marketing
Evaluation of performance

15. Customisation means— 
Acquiring more customers
Regulating customers
Special products to suit each customer
More products per customer
All of these

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