
Quant Quiz

1.Three unbiased coins are tossed, what is the probability of getting at least 2 tails?
(E)none of these

2.What is the probability of getting a sum 9 from two throws of dice.
(E)none of these

3.An article is sold at a loss of 10%. Had it been sold for Rs.9 more, there would have been a gain of 25/2% on it, then what is the cost price of the article?
(A)Rs. 74
(C)Rs. 40
(E)None of these

4.In a journey of 160 km, a train covers the distance 120 km at a speed of 80 km/h and the remaining distance at 40 km/h. Find the average speed of the train for the whole journey.
(A)60 km/h
(B)64 km/h
(C)40 km/h
(D)45 km/h
(E)None of these

5.The average of squares of first 11 consecutive even numbers is:
(E)None of these

6.8 men working 9 hours a day complete a piece of work in 20 days. In how many days can 7 men working for 10 hours a day complete the same piece of work?
(A)25 days
(B)40 days
(C)21 days
(D)20(4/7) days
(E)None of these

7.If 4 men or 6 boys can finish a piece of work in 20 days, in how many days can 6 men and 11 boys finish it?
(A)4 days
(B)6 days
(C)5 days
(D)7 days
(E)None of these

8.A certain distance is covered by a vehicle at a certain speed. If half of this distance is covered by another vehicle in double the time, the ratio of speeds of the two vehicle is
(A)4 : 1
(B)1 : 2
(C)2 : 1
(D)1 : 4
(E)None of these

9.Two train of equal lengths are running on parallel lines in the same directions at the rate of 92 km/h and 72 km/h respectively. The faster train passes the slower train in 54 seconds. The length of each train is
(A)500 m.
(B)180 m.
(C)150 m. 
(D)240 m.
(E)None of these

10.The simple interest on a sum of money is equal to principal and the number of years is equal to the rate percent per annum. Then find the rate.
(E)None of these


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