
Banking Awareness Quiz

1. Ultimate controller of Bank Deposits is?
1) RBI
2) Finance Secretary
3) Ministry of Finance
4) Controller of Deposits

2. 6th National Seed Congress, 2013 held at...
1) Lucknow
2) Hyderabad
3) Pune
4) Mumbai
5) Nagpur

3. Around 2% revised rail passenger fares came into effect from 7 October, 2013 to implement FAC. FAC stands for............
1) Fuel Adjustment Component
2) Food Adjustment Component
3) Full Adjustment Component
4) Free Adjustment Component
5) Fuel Arrangement Component

4. Vayoshreshtha Samman to be given to....
1) NRI
2) Senior Citizens
3) Doctors
4) Purohiths
5) Children

5. Which among the following accounts fetch the highest rate of interest?
1) Savings deposit
2) Recurring deposit
3) Fixed deposit
4) Current account deposit
5) 1 & 4

6. Banks usually collect penal rate of interest on ....... for the pre mature withdrawal of fixed deposits?
1) Principal
2) Rate of interest
3) Minimum deposit amount
4) Maturity amount                       
5) All of above

7. Fixed deposits can have........
1) Nomination facility.
2) Nomination facility with the permission of Bank Chairman.
3) Nomination facility by taking special permission from bank.
4) Nomination facility on the day of closing.
5) Nomination facility with the permission of person who introduced him to open account.

8. As per the direction of RBI on 29 October 2013, the banks can pay rate of interest on
Fixed deposits'?
1) At intervals shorter than quarterly intervals also.
2) Pay on quarterly basis alone.
3) On half yearly basis only.
4) As per the direction of government of India.
5) None of the above.

9. Idea of insuring deposits kept with banks received attention for the first time in the year 1948 after the banking crises in?
1) Maharashtra
2) Karnataka
3) AP
4) Bengal
5) Goa

10. Which committee first time in India supported the concept of Insuring Deposits?
1) Rural Banking Deposit Committee.
2) Urban Banking Enquiry Committee.
3) Rural Banking Enquiry Committee.
4) SBI Rural Banking Enquiry Committee.
5) None of these.

11. After crash of the two banks, RBI seriously took the issue of insuring of deposits?
1) Palai Central Bank Ltd and Laxmi Bank Ltd
2) Laxmi Bank Ltd and General bank of India
3) Development Bank Corporation Limited and ICICI
4) Palai Central Bank Ltd and IDBI
5) None of these.

12. The Deposit Insurance Act came in to force in on 1st January.....
1) 1975
2) 1954
3) 1948
4) 1979
5) 1962

13. Each depositor in a bank is insured up to a maximum of ....... by Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)?
1) Rs. 2 lakh
2) Rs.3 lakh
3) Rs.5 lakh
4) Rs.10 lakh
5) Rs.1 lakh

14. DICGC is the wholly owned subsidiary of?
1) SBI
3) Union Government
4) RBI

15. Which committee proposed to raise the compulsory insurance of bank deposits up to 5 Lakhs?
1) Aravind Mayaram
2) Usha Thorat
3) Damodaran
4) Syamala Gopinath
5) None of these.

