
Quant Quiz

1. A motor starts with the speed of 70 kmph with its speed increasing every two hours by 10 kmph. In how many hours will it cover 345 kms? 
a. 2 ¼ 
b. 4 ½
c. 4 hours 5 minutes 
d. Cannot be determined 
e. None of these  

2. A train running at the speed of 20 metres/second crosses a pole in 24 seconds less than the time in requires to cross a platform thrice its length at the same speed. What is the length of the train? 
a. 270 metres 
b. 340 metres
c. 180 metres 
d. Cannot be determined 
e. None of these

3. In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls , 4 children are to be selected. In how many different ways can they be selected such that at least one boy should be there? 
a. 159 
b. 205 
c. 194 
d. 209 
e. None of these 

4. Out of 11 members of a family 4 are males and rest females. The family hired three taxis on rent to see a museum. The members have to sit in the cars in such a way that not more than 4 members are in any one car and each car has at least one male member. In how many different ways the members can travel? 
a. 658 
b. 126 
c. 140 
d. 523
e. None of these

5. If r is the remainder when each of 7654, 8506 and 9997 is divided by the greatest number d (d > 1), then (d – r) is equal to 
a. 14 
b. 18 
c. 24
d. 28 
e. None of these

6. For numbers a and b, define as  a* b = (a + b) ÷ (a-b). then the value of (1 * 2) * 3 is 
a. -2/3 
b. -1/5 
c. 0 
d. ½ 
e. None of these

7. Four of the following five parts numbers a, b, c, d and e are equal. Which of the following is not equal to the other four? 
a. 242 – 122 + 112/14 =
b. 17 * 12 + 59 * 4 = 
c. 15 * 28 + 20 = 
d. 27 * 16 + 56/8 = 
e. 185 * 6/2 – 23 * 5  

8. Suppose x and y are inversely proportional and positive. If x increases by 10%, then y decreases by 
a. 10% 
b. 10/11% 
c. 100/11 % 
d. 1/11 % 
e. None of these

9. In a mathematics examination, the average score of students who passed is x and those who failed is y. If the average score of all the students who appeared in the examination is z, then the percentage of students who failed was 
a. 100xy/z2 
b. 100(y-z)/(x –y) 
c. 100 (x –y)/(x –z) 
d. 100 (x –z)/(x –y) 
e. None of these

10. The batting average of 40 innings of a cricket player is 50 runs. His highest score exceeds his lowest score by 172 runs. If these two innings are excluded the average of the remaining 38 innings is 48. His highest score was : 
a. 172 
b. 173 
c. 174
d. 176 
e. None of these

11. A demographic survey of 100 families in which two parents were present revealed that the average age A, of the oldest child is 20 year less than ½ the sum of the ages of the two parents. If F represents the age of one parents and M the age of the other parents, then which of the following is equivalent to A? 
a. F + M – 20/2 
b. F + M/2 + 20 
c. F + M/2 – 20 
d. F + M – 10 
e. None of these

12. One of the angles of a triangle is two-third of sum of adjacent angles of parallelogram. Remaining angles of the triangle are in ratio 5 : 7 respectively. What is the value of the second largest angle of the triangle? 
a. 25° 
b. 40° 
c. 35° 
d. Cannot be determined 
e. None of these 

13. The largest and the smallest angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 3: 1 respectively. The second largest angle of the triangle is equal to 44°. What is the value of 150 per cent of the largest angle of the triangle? 
a. 149 
b. 129 
b. 153 
d. 173 
e. None of these 

14. By selling 33 m of cloth, a shopkeeper gains the price of 11 m of cloth. His gain percent is : 
a. 7% 
b. 50% 
c. 20 % 
d. 22%
e. None of these

15. On selling a pen at 5% loss and a book at 15% gain. Karim gains Rs. 7. If he sells the pen at 5% gain and the book at 10% gain, then he gains Rs. 13. The actual price of the book is 
a. Rs. 100 
b. Rs. 80 
c. Rs. 10 
d. Rs. 400 
e. none of these
