
Quant Quiz

1. The price of an article is cut by 25%. To restore it to its original price, the new price must be increased by-
1) 20% 
2) 40% 
3)  33 1/3 % 
4) 37 1/3 % 
5) None of these

2. 40% of a number when subtracted from 112, given the number itself. Find the number-
1) 120 
2) 80 
3) 150 
4) 90 
5) None of these

3. Find the difference between the simple and the compound interest at 5% per annum for 2 years on a principal of Rs. 4000.
1) Rs. 8 
2) Rs. 10 
3) Rs. 25 
4) Rs. 20 
5) None of these

4. How many number of 3 digit can be formed with the digits 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (repetition of digits not allowed)?
1) 60 
2) 12 
3) 240 
4) 48 
5) None of these

5. Mohan and Sohan travel the same distance at the rate of 4 km/hr and 6 km/hr respectively. If Mohan takes 30 minutes longer than Sohan, the distance travelled by each is-
1) 8 km. 
2) 6 km 
3) 18 km 
4) 30 km 
5) None of these

6. A bag contains 4 black and 6 red balls. If three balls from the bag are chosen at random, what is the chance that they are all red?
1) 1/6
2) 2/23
3) 1/4
4) 21/23
5) 1/9

7. The average of 40 numbers is 36. If two numbers, namely 50 and 60 are discarded, the average of the remaining numbers is-
1) 34 
2) 33.5 
3) 35 
4) 32.5 
5) 34.5

8. A sum of Rs. 800 amounts to 960 in 4 years at simple interest. What will it amount to if the rate of interest is increased by 2%?
1) Rs. 864 
2) Rs.  932 
3) Rs. 908 
4) Rs. 1024 
5) None of these

9. Pepsi and coke, there are two companies, selling the packs of cold-drinks. For the same selling price pepsi gives two successive discounts of 10% and 20%. While coke sells it by giving two successive discounts of 5% and 25%. What is the ratio of their marked price?
1) 95 : 96 
2) 136 : 135 
3) 19 : 11 
4) 73 : 77 
5) None of these

10. If 20 men can do a piece of work in 24 days working 5 hours a day, then how many men are required to complete the work working 8 hours a day in 10 days?
1) 30 
2) 40 
3) 35 
4) 36 
5) None of these


1. 3
2. 2
3. 2
4. 1
5. 2
6. 1
7. 3
8. 4
9. 1
10. 1