
Mixed Quiz

1. World Health Day is celebrated each year on –
1) 7 July 
2) 18 July 
3) 7 April 
4) 16 April 
5) None of these

2. "Unbreakable" is an autobiography of which persons –
1) M. C. Marrykom 
2) Saina Nehwal 
3) Heena Sidhu 
4) Anju Bobby George 
5) None of these

3. "Doing business report" published by –
1) World Bank 
2) IMF 
3) ADB 
4) WTO 
5) None of these

4. The Holidays for the Banks are declared as per which of the following Act –
1) Reserve bank Act 
2) Banking Regulation Act – 1949 
3) Negotiable instrument Act –1881
4) Companies Act – 1956 
5) None of these

5. Interest rate "Savings deposit" now a days is decided by –
1) RBI 
2) SBI 
3) Respective Banks 
4) IBA 
5) None of these

6. "ASBA" stands for –
1) Application supported by bank account 
2) Application supported by balance account
3) Application supported by blocked account 
4) Application supported by blocked amount 
5) None of these

7. FCCB stands for –
1) Foreign currency convertible bonds 
2) Forex currency convertible bonds
3) Form currency convertible bonds 
4) Future currency convertible bonds 
5) None of these

8. "De – Mat" account is regulated by –
1) RBI 
2) SBI 
3) IRDA 
4) SEBI 
5) None of these

9. Banking ombudsman is appointed by –
1) Union government 
2) RBI 
3) Respective state government 
4) Exim bank
5) None of these

10. How much maximum amount that is insured by "deposit insurance" credit corporation (DICGC) –
1) Rs. 50000 
2) Rs. 100000 
3) Rs. 10000 
4) Rs. 500000 
5) None of these

11. How much quantity of coins to be minted decided by –
1) RBI 
2) Union government 
3) SBI 
4) IRDA 
5) None of these

12. RBI can issue bank notes of maximum denomination –
1) Rs. 1000 
2 ) Rs. 500 
3) Rs. 10000 
4) Rs. 20000 
5) None of these

13. Life span of Rs. 10 notes are –
1) 10-15 months 
2) 16-19 months 
3) 10-18 months 
4) 1-12 months 
5) 20-25 months

14. Validity period of "Demand draft" is –
1) 6 months 
2) 12 months 
3) 3 months 
4) 8 months 
5) None of these

15. According to "Micro small medium enterprise development Act – 2006 (MSME Act – 2006)" investment limit for micro enterprise in manufacturing sector is –
1) Less than Rs. 10 lakh 
2) Less than Rs. 25 lakh 
3) Rs. 50 lakh 
4) Rs. 20 crore 
5) None of these

16. A direct selling agent (DSA) is required to be adept in which of the following –
1) Market research 
2) Communication skills 
3) Internet skills 
4) OTC marketing 
5) None of these

17. Direct distribution channel is –
1) Producer – Retailer 
2) Producer – Agent – Retailer 
3) Producer – Consumer
4) Producer – Wholesaler – Agent 
5) None of these

18. Which is the latest distribution system ?
1) E-mail 
2) Mobile phones 
3) E-commerce 
4) Telephonic distribution
5) All of the above

19. Retailing is –
1) Banks 
2) Whole seller 
3) Supermarket 
4) None 
5) None of these

20. Marketing channels for banks are –
1) ATMs and back office set ups 
2) Only branches 
3) Bank branches and ATMs
4) Both 1 and 2 
5) None of these

21. A prospects means –
1) A likely buyer 
2) A religious head 
3) A team leader 
4) A corporate boss 
5) None of these

22. Effective selling involves –
1) Good physical appearances 
2) Good communication skills
3) Methodological approach 
4) Aggressiveness 
5) All of the above

23. Promotional mix includes –
1) Price 
2) Policy 
3) Production 
4) Personal selling 
5) None of these

24. Incentives are paid to sales persons –
1) For designing products 
2) For surpassing the target
3) For identifying leads 
4) Both 1 and 2 
5) None of these

25. A good brand can be built by way of –
1) Consistent offering of good services 
2) Ignoring competitors
3) Reducing the margins 
4) Both 2 and 3 
5) None of these

26. Post – sales activities include –
1) Sales presentation 
2) Customer sympathy 
3) Customer feedback 
4) Both 1 and 2 
5) None of these

27. The 'USP' of product denotes –
1) Main functions 
2) High selling features of a product 
3) Unique selling point
4) Universal stock process 
5) None of these

28. The standard protocol of the internet is –
1) FTP 
2) HTTP 
3) TCP / IP 
5) None of these

29. When you install a new program on your computer, it is added to the –
1) Start programs 
2) Desktop programs 
3) All programs 
4) Control panel 
5) None of these

30. Key function of firewall is –
1) Monitoring 
2) Copying 
3) Pasting data 
4) Moving 
5) None of these

31. A program that generally has more user friendly interface than a DBMS is called –
1) Notepad 
2) Form 
3) Word processing 
4) Paint 
5) None of these

32. Too much electricity and cause of a voltage surge, refers to –
1) Firewall 
2) Shock 
3) Spoofing 
4) Spike 
5) None of these

33. The software that is used to create text–based documents are referred to –
1) Suits 
2) Word processors 
3) Spreadsheets 
4) Restore 
5) None of these

34. A programming language for creating special programs like applets is known as –
1) C + + 
2) Java 
4) Net 
5) None of these

35. An online discussion group that allows direct 'live' communication is known as –
1) E – mails 
2) Virus 
3) Chat group 
4) Paint 
5) None of these

36. Microsoft messenger allows users to –
1) Visual presentation 
2) Live communication 
3) Graphics presentation 
4) Blog creation
5) None of these

37. An embedded operating system is generally find in –
1) PDA 
2) Network server 
3) Desktop 
4) Mail–server 
5) None of these

38.Which protocol is used to transfer file from one system to another system –
1) FTP 
2) HTTP 
3) SMTP 
4) POP 
5) None of these


1. 3  
2. 1
3. 1
4. 3 
5. 3 
6. 4 
7. 1 
8. 4
9. 2 
10. 2 
11. 2 
12. 3 
13. 5
14. 3 
15. 2 
16. 2 
17. 3 
18. 5
19. 3 
20. 3 
21. 1 
22. 5 
23. 4
24. 2 
25. 1 
26. 3 
27. 2 
28. 3
29. 3 
30. 1 
31. 2 
32. 4 
33. 2
34. 2 
35. 3 
36. 2 
37. 1 
38. 1